Regulâris, pen. prod. Adiectiuum. Vnder rule, or made according to the rule: regular: straight with the rule.Regulare æs. Pli. Copper that wil abide hammering.
Regulo, aui, are. To rule: o ditert.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
rēgŭlāris, e, adj. [regula, I. B. 1.] I.Of or belonging to a bar: aes, that can be formed into bars; called also aes ductile, Plin. 34, 8, 20, 94; Isid. 16, 20, 7.— II.Containing rules for guidance: libri regulares, quos diaeteticos vocant, Cael. Aur. Tard. 2, 11, 145.— Adv.: rēgŭlārĭter (acc. to regula, II.), according to rule, regularly (late Lat.): dicere, Dig. 15, 3, 3, 2; Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 20; Mart. Cap. 9, 898: praeterita vestigia regulariter recurrere, Aug. Doctr. Chr. 2, 29.