Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Recá-re, v. a.
1. to bring, carry, fetch; 2. to dispose, prepare, persuade, induce, engage; 3. to ascribe, attribute, impute; 4. to reduce; 5. to refer, inform. — ad effetto. V. effettuare. — a niente, to annul, annihilate. — innanzi,to represent. — in uno or in una. V. accomunare. — d'una lingua in un'altra, to translate. — a volgare, to translate. — a fine, a perfezione, to perfect. — a morte, to kill. — a luce, to reveal, publish. — a un dì, to squander. — la cagione, to impute. — a oro, to come to the point. — a penitenza, to repent. — a stretto, to unite. — a vita, to resuscitate. — disperazione, to drive to despair. — relazione, to give an account of;v. r. — una ingiuria or danno da uno, to look upon a person as the cause of some injury done to us. — addosso, to take upon one's self. — a mente, to remember. — a cuore, to take to heart. — ad onore, to consider as an honour. — ad ingiuria or disonore, to take as an insult or affront. — a male, to take ill. — in braccio, to take in one's arms. — in collo,to take on one's shoulders. — a noja, to begin to be tired. — le mani al petto, to examine one's conscience. — sopra di se, or in se stesso,to think, reflect within one's self. — in guardia, to put one's self on one's guard. — ubbia, to loathe, abhor, nauseate; s. m. Recá-tóre,f. Recá-tríce; adj. Recá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
recare: to reach vnto, to bring. Also to fetch. Also to betake or take vnto. Also to perswade or draw vnto, to dispose to induce. Also to leade, to bring or conduct.