Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ragión-e, s. f. dim. Ragión-célla, Ragión-cína, disp. Ragión-áccia,
1. reason, reasoning faculty; 2. reason, cause, matter, account, motive; 3. reason, right, justice, equity. È ben —, it is reasonable. Far — altrui, to do one justice. Tenere, or render —, to judge, to give sentence. Senza —, without reason, unjustly. Aver —, to be in the right. Di —, a —, con —, reasonably, justly, deservedly, with justice. Riservar le ragioni, to reserve one's reasons for a favourable opportunity of expressing them; 4. quality, sort, kind; 5. an account. Far la —, to render or give an account. Chieder —, to call to account. Render —, to pay for. Saldar, aggiustare la —, to settle, close one's accounts. Saper di —, to understand accounts. Fare —,to think, to consider, to suppose. Fa — ch'io ti sia sempre a lato, suppose that I always stand by you. Mettere a —, to put to an account;6. pretension, action, right, jurisdiction;7. civil or canonical law; 8. a court of judicature. Andarsene alla —, to go before the justice. Far —, to pledge; 9. firm (in trade). Creare una —, (comm. t.) to form a company. Amministrar —, to administer justice. Aver le sue —, to be regular (said of the menses). Conforme a —, suitably, reasonably. Venir a — con alcuno, to argue with a person. A —, at the rate of. A — di dieci per cento, at the rate of ten per cent. — di stato, politics.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
ragione: reason, right. Also discourse, discretion, due consideration, equall iudgement, iustice, equitie. Also a cause, an account, a reckoning. Also a place of iustice or law. Also a pretence, a claime, a title or right claime. Also a pledge in drinking. Also Rozen. Also vsed for the ciuill Law.