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Forms: radici (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Rádic-e, s. f. dim. Rádic-élla, Rádic-étta, Rádic-ula, aug. Rádic-óne,
1. a root; 2. (met.) cause, origin, principle; 3. progenitor. Metter la scure alla —, to put the axe to the root; 4. a Chinese plant. — della parole, etymology; 5. the root (of a number);6. principle, beginning.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
radice: any kind of roote. Also the foote or bottome of a thing as of a hill. In Mathematikes that number, which by one or often multiplication of it selfe bringeth forth any number. Also taken for a measure of land called a pole, a rod, a pearch, &c. Also a cause, a ground or beginning of any thing.