Quantum, Aduerb. temporis, vel quantitatis. Vr quantum nobis expectationis adiecit, tantum ingenij aspîret. Quintil.That he would giue vs so much witte, as hee hath increased the expertation that men haue of vs. Quantum animis erroris inest? Ouid.How greately dothe mens mindes erre in their perswasions?Fortissimus quisque è Batauis, quantum peditum erat, funduntur.Tacit.Al the valiantest of the Batanians, so many as were footemen, were slaine. Quantum, subintellecto TANTVM.Terent. Quantum imperaui, dare. Giue hir so muche as I bad you. Quantum ad porticus, nihil, &c.Plin. iun.As touchyng or concerning the portches.Quantum attinet ad antiquos nostros, ante, &c. Varro. So farre as toucheth our auncetours, &c.Quantum est adhibere hominem amicum, vbi quid geras? Plaut.Oh what a matter it is to vse a friendly mans help when one doth a thing? Nescio quantum tu familiaris sis: nisi actûtum hinc abis, Familiatis accipiêre faxo haud familiariter.Plaut.I can not tel how familiar thou art, &c. Quantum assequi potui.Cic.Quantum coniectura auguramur. Cice. So farre as we can coniecture.Quantum ego opinione auguror.Cic.Quantum existimare possum. Ci. So farre as I can gather by reason.Quantum ego intelligere possum.Terent.So farre as I can vnderstande.Quantum illa ætas capit. Quint. So farre as the capacitie of that age is.Quantum ex ipsa re coniecturam facio. Tere. So farre as I coniecture, &c.Quantum è vultu eius intelligo. Ci. As farre as I perceiue by his countenaunce.Quantum intelligo. Ter. So farre as I vnderstand.Quantum intellexi modò senis sententiam de nuptijs. Ter. So farre as I vnderstande by the olde mans mind concerning the mariage.Quantum ego sentio.Cic.Quantum suspicor.Terent.As farre as I suppose.Quantum ex tuto poterat, rem Romanam fouebat. Li. So farre as he might without daunger.Quantum proximè coniectura potest.Liu.So night as hee can by coniecture.Quantum ego illum vidi, nonnihil timeo misera. Tere. So farre as I see by him, &c.Quantum in me erit.Cic.So muche as possibly shall bee in me.Quantum situm est in nobis.Cic. Quantum euentu postea prædictum patuit. Sence. According as the thing afore shewed did afterwarde in the end appeare. Quantum potest.Terent.With as muche haste as hee can possibly: with al speede possible.Quantum potes, me certiorem, inquit, face. Teren. Certisie me as soone as you can possibly.Quantum potero minuam contentiones.Cic.So much as I can. Quantum maximum potuit. Pli. iu. So farre as he coulde possibly.Quantum plurimum salsæ aquæ vinum pati possit. Colu. As much salt water to the vttermost as % wine wil bear. Quantum queo.Terent.So much as I can.
Quantus, quanta quantum. How much: how great: Modò relatmum, modò indefinitum, modò interiogatiuum est, refertúrque ad numerum & pondus & mensuram Væ misero mihi. quant de spe decidi? Te. Out of how great hope am I fallen.
quantus, a, um, adj. [quam], how great.A. Bellum, Nep. Dat. 5, 1: calamitates, Cic. Tusc. 1, 35, 86: homo in dicendo, id. de Or. 2, 12, 51: gravitas, Vell. 2, 129, 2.—Corresp. with tantus: videre mihi videor tantam dimicationem, quanta numquam fuit, Cic. Att. 7, 1, 2.—With sup.: tanta est inter eos, quanta maxima esse potest, morum studiorumque distantia,
the greatest possible difference
, Cic. Lael. 20, 74.—Without tantus: quantus non unquam antea, exercitus venit, Liv. 9, 37, 2: quanta maxime poterat vi perculit, id. 9, 10, 10; cf. id. 7, 9, 8; 42, 15, 1; 24, 35, 5; Verg. A. 12, 701; 3, 641: quanta mea sapientia est, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 62.—Quantus quantus, for quantuscumque, how great or much soever (ante-class.): denegabit quantum quantum ad eum erit delatum, Plaut. Poen. 3, 4, 28: tu, quantus quantus, nihil nisi sapientia es, Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 40: quanta quanta haec mea paupertas est, tamen, id. Phorm. 5, 7, 10. — In quantum, as far as, according as, in how far, in so far as, to whatever extent: in quantum satis erat, Tac. Or. 2: declamatio, in quantum maxime potest, imitetur eas actiones, Quint. 2, 10, 4; Sen. Ben. 2, 23, 1: pedum digitos, in quantum quaeque secuta est, Traxit, Ov. M. 11, 71: in quantum potuerit,
as far as possible
, Plin. Ep. 10, 75. — With a preceding in tantum, as greatly ... as: vir in tantum laudandus, in quantum intellegi virtus potest, Vell. 1, 9.— B. Of number, value, etc., how much, how many: quanta milia, Prop. 1, 5, 10; Val. Fl. 3, 261. —And with or without tantus, as much as, as many as, Caes. B. G. 6, 19; Liv. 23, 21.— As a designation of multitude, quantum = emphatic omnis: ut te quidem omnes di deaeque, quantum est, perduint,
as many as there are of them
, Ter. Heaut. 4, 6, 6: quantum in terra degit, hominum perjurissime!Plaut. Ps. 1, 3, 117.— quantum, subst., with gen., as much of ... as: quantum est frumenti hornotini, exaraverunt, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 18, 45.— Quanti, as gen. pretii, how high, how dear, or as dear as, as high as: quanti emi potest minime, how cheap? Ep. Ad quadraginta minas, Plaut. Ep. 2, 2, 110: quanti emit?Ter. Eun. 5, 6(5), 14: quanti locaverint, tantam pecuniam redemptori solvendam, Cic. Phil. 9, 7, 16: vide, quanti apud me sis,
how highly I prize you
how dear you are to me
, id. Fam. 7, 19 init.: noli spectare, quanti sit homo, id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 4: (tu) qui scias quanti Tulliam faciam, id. Fam. 2, 16, 5: quanti est ista hominum gloria,
Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 21: quanti ejus intersit, Dig. 43, 18, 3.—Quanti quanti, at whatever price: sed quanti quanti, bene emitur quod necesse est, Cic. Att. 12, 23, 3.—Quanto opere, sometimes as one word, quantopere (q. v.), with what care, how greatly, how much (answering to tanto opere or tantopere, so greatly, so much): quanto se opere custodiant bestiae, Cic. N. D. 2, 49, 126: quantoque opere ejus municipii causā laborarem, id. Fam. 13, 7, 1.—Hence, A. quantum, adv., as much as, so much as: scribe, quantum potes, Cic. Att. 9, 7, 7.—Quantum possum or potest, as soon as possible: domum me rursum, quantum potero, tantum recipiam, Plaut. Aul. 1, 2, 40: rescribas ad me, quantum potest, Cic. Att. 4, 13, 1: erus, quantum audio, uxore excidit,
so far as I hear
, Ter. And. 2, 5, 12: quantum suspicor,
as far as I can conjecture
, id. Eun. 1, 2, 62.—Quantum in or ad me, so far as concerns me: non igitur adhuc, quantum quidem in te est, intellego deos esse, i. e.
for all you have shown to the contrary
, Cic. N. D. 3, 7, 15; cf. id. Ac. 1, 2, 8: quantum ad Pirithoum, Phaedra pudica fuit,
as far as concerned
with respect to
, Ov. A. A. 1, 744: quantum ad jus attinet, Sen. Contr. 5, 34, 16; 3, 16, 1.—With compp. for quanto, the more, the greater, etc. (cf. Zumpt, Gram. 488, A, 2).—Followed by eo: quantum juniores patrum plebi se magis insinuabant, eo acrius contra tribuni tenebant, Liv. 3, 15, 2; 44, 7, 6; Col. 12, 23 init. —Followed by tanto: quantum augebatur militum numerus, tanto majore, etc., Liv. 5, 10, 5; 6, 38, 5; 27, 47, 11; cf. id. 32, 5, 1. — Also without a correl.: quantum ... et minus, Liv. 44, 36, 5.— B. quantō, adv., by how much, by as much as, according as, the: quanto diutius Abest, magis cupio tanto,
the longer he is away
, Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 15: quanto gravior oppugnatio, tanto crebriores, Caes. B. G. 5, 44: quanto magis philosophi delectabunt, si, etc.,
how greatly
, Cic. Ac. 1, 3, 10: quanto praeclarior vita, tanto, Sall. J. 85, 22 Kritz. — With verbs which contain the idea of comparison: Hannibalem tanto praestitisse ceteros imperatores prudentiā, quanto populus Romanus antecedebat fortitudine cunctas nationes, Nep. Hann. 1, 1.—With posit.: tanto acceptius in vulgum, quanto modicus privatis aedificationibus,
inasmuch as
, Tac. A. 6, 45: quanto frequenter impellitur, tanto firmiter roboratur, Lact. 5, 7, 9.—With ante, secus, aliud: quo minus exponam, quam multa ad me detulerit, quanto ante providerit, Cic. Sest. 3, 8: videtote, quanto secus ego fecerim, how differently, Cato ap. Charis. p. 192 P.: ut manifesto appareat, quanto sit aliud proximum esse, aliud secundum, Quint. 10, 1, 53.