Propter, Præpositio, accusatiuo casui seruit. Tere. For: nigh.Turba hæc propter te est facta, Ter.This businesse or trouble hath chaunced for your sake.Suspitio propter eam causam fuit, quòd, &c.Cic.Tironem propter humanitatem & modestiam malo saluÛ, qum propter vsum meum.Cic.Legibus non propter metum parêre.Cic.Propter se expeti. Ci. To be desired for his selfes sake.Nec castra propter anni tempus facere possum. Cn. Magnus Domitio. By reason of the time of the yeare. Proptèr, pro Prope. Aliquando aduerbium est sine casu. Nigh.Proptèr est spelunca quædam.Cicer.By it, or nigh to it is a denne.Iungitur & accusatiuo sæpissime in eadem significatione.Plautus. -Stat proptèr virum Fortem. Hic proptèr hunc assiste. Ter. Stande here by him.Proptèr Platonis statuam consedimus. Cice. We sate down by. &c.Propter aquæ riuum viridi procumbit in herba.Virg.Fluuius Eurotas qui proptèr Lacedæmonem fluit, Cice.Duo filij proptèr patrem cubantes.Cic.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
propter, adv. and prep. [contr. for propiter, from prope; cf.: inter, subter]. I.Adv., near, hard by, at hand (syn.: prope, juxta; rare but class.). serito in loco, ubi aqua propter siet, Cato, R. R. 151, 2: ibi angiportum propter est, Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 37: propter dormire, id. Eun. 2, 3, 77: araque Panchaeos exhalat propter odores, Lucr. 2, 417: propter est spelunca, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 48, 107 (al. prope): vident unum virum esse ... et eum propter esse, id. Imp. Pomp. 5, 13: cum duo reges propter assint, id. ib. 6, 16: (caules) si propter sati sunt, id. N. D. 2, 47, 120: duo filii propter cubantes, id. Rosc. Am. 23, 64; id. Inv. 2, 4, 14: adulescentia voluptates propter intuens, id. Sen. 14, 48; id. ap. Non. 367, 25: cornix propter volans, Phaedr. 2, 6, 7: praeter propter, v praeter. —II.Prep. with acc., near, hard by, close to (syn.: prope, juxta, ad). A.Lit., of place (rare but class.); stat propter virum fortem, Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 9; id. Curc. 4, 1, 14; id. Rud. prol. 33: partem cohortium propter mare collocat, Sisenn ap. Non. 367, 32: hic propter hunc assiste, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 15: propter eam porticum situm erat dolium, Varr ap. Non. 367, 31: propter Platonis statuam consedimus, Cic. Brut. 6, 25: propter aliquem assidere, id. Rep. 1, 11, 17 (cited ap. Non. 367, 28): insulae propter Siciliam, id. N. D. 3, 22, 55: propter aquae rivum, Lucr. 2, 30; Verg. E. 8, 87.—Following its case: viam propter, Tac. A. 15, 47: hostem propter, id. ib. 4, 48.—B.Trop., in stating a cause. 1.On account of, by reason of, from, for, because of (syn. ob; the predom. signif. of the word): parere legibus propter metum, Cic. Par. 5, 1, 34; cf.: propter metum poenae, id. Sest. 46, 99: propter eam ipsam causam, id. de Or. 1, 16, 72: propter frigora frumenta in agris matura non erant, Caes. B. G. 1, 16: propter humanitatem, Cic. Att. 7, 5, 2: is propter morbum exire non potuit, Auct. Her. 1, 11, 19: excusato languore faucium propter quem non adesset, Suet. Ner. 41; id. Aug. 8; Sall. J. 23, 1: bidentes propter viam facere, to sacrifice on account of a journey, Laber, ap. Non. 53, 26; cf.: propter viam fit sacrificium quod est proficiscendi gratiā, Herculi aut Sanco, Fest. p. 229 Müll.; Plaut. Rud. 1, 2, 62: propter injuriam,
to avoid injury
, Pall. 12, 13: propter hoc, propter quod,
on that account
for which reason
, Varr. R. R. 3, 16, 14; Col. 1, 6, 18: propter me, te, etc., on my, thy account, etc., as far as I (you, etc.) are concerned, = mea causā, or per me: egon propter me illam decipi miseram sinam?Ter. And. 1, 5, 36; id. Eun. 4, 6, 6: non est aequom me propter vos decipi, id. Phorm. 5, 7, 34: di numquam propter me de caelo descendent, Liv. 6, 18, 9.— 2.Through, by means of (rare). a. Referring to persons in whom lies the cause of a thing: te propter tuam Matrem non posse habere hanc uxorem domi, Ter. Hec. 4, 4, 55: propter quos vivit,
through whom he lives
to whom he owes life
, Cic. Mil. 22, 58: lugere eum, propter quem ceteri laetarentur, id. ib. 30, 81; 34, 93.—b. To things by means of which any thing takes place: quid enim refert, utrum propter oves, an propter aves fructus capias?Varr. R. R. 3, 2, 11.— Placed after its case: quod propter studi, um cum rem neglegere familiarem videretur, Cic. Sen. 7, 22; id. Pis. 7, 15; id. Att. 10, 4, 1 al.: suctum propter lactis, Plin. 10, 40, 56, 115: quam propter tantos potui perferre labores, Verg. A. 12, 177.