Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Prátic-a, s. f. pl. Prátic-he, dim. Prátic-úzza, disp. Prátic-áccia,
1. practice, way, custom, usage; 2. practice, use, experience; 3. converse, intercourse, familiarity, conversation; 4. practice, practical part; 5. practice, intrigue, device, plot, design.Far pratiche, to carry on secret or clandestine designs. Le vostre pratiche mi son molto ben conosciute, I am well informed of all your designs; 6. release from quarantine, pratique; 7. affair, business, matter.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
pratica: practise, experience, skill, tryall. Also a canuasing, a triall or prouing to doe or get a thing. Also a haunt, a frequenting, a conuersation or acquaintance.