Prelum, preli, n. g. Virg.A presse that either Printers or any other occupation vseth.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
prēlum (prae-), i, n. [premo], a press.I.A press-beam for pressing grapes, olives, etc.; also, meton., a wine-press, oil-press (class.), Cato, R. R. 31: cola prelorum, Verg. G. 2, 242 (prela trabes sunt, quibus uva jam calcata premitur, Serv.); Vitr. 6, 9; Plin. 18, 31, 74, 317; Dig. 19, 2, 19.—II.A press for smoothing clothes: tua collucent prela lacernis, Mart. 2, 46, 3; cf. id. 11, 8, 5.