Polus, poli, m. g. Pli. The pole, or the end and point of the Exe tree wheron Astronomers imagine heanÊ to be moued: there be two of them, one in the North noted by a starre called Polus arcticus, another in the South out of our sight named Antarcticus. Polus.It is also taken for heauen. vt Regna poli. Sen. The kingdomes of heauen.Polus ardens flammis. Lucan. Astriger.Virg. Astrifer. Martial. Ater. Sen. Australis. Ouid.Calidus. Luca. Conspicuus. Ouid.Celsus. Martial. High heauen.Deuius. Sen. Extremi poli. Sen. Gelidus polus.Ouid.The cold Northpole.Glacialis.Ouid. Lucidus. Virg.Nigrans. Se. Nitidus. Sen. Occultus & conspieuus polus. Oui. The South pole that we see not, and the North pole in our sight.Præceps polus. Sen. Stellifer polus. Sen. Rotati poli Ouid. Stelligeri iubar poli. Stat.Rotundus polus. Hor. Sydereus polus. Val. Flac.Signifer polus. Luca. Vmbrans polus. Sen. Stellans. Claud. Polyandrium.A place where many common sepulchres are.