Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Pórre, v. a. (pon-go, -i, -e, &c., pass. po-si, -se, -sero, fut. porrò, &c., part. posto,)
1. to put, place, set, lay. — il caso, to suppose. — ad effetto, to accomplish. — a freno, to restrain. — al sole, to ruin. — a morte, to put to death. — in vendita, to put up to sale. — a ruba, to plunder. — a sacco, to sack. — a sbaraglio, in volta, to put to the rout. Por cagione, to charge with, accuse. — orecchio,to listen. Por cura, to take care. — da canto, da parte, to lay aside, to hoard up. Por fine,to make an end. Por giù or giuso, to depose, lay down. — in campo, to lay forth. — a cimento, to risk, hazard. — in giuoco, to deride, laugh at. — in luce, to publish. — in non cale, to disregard, despise. — in oblio, to forget. — in pratica, to put in practice. — la mira, to aim. — le mani addosso, to lay hands upon one. — in bando, to banish. Por mano, to begin. — in ordine, to set in order. Por mente, to consider. Por modo, to quiet, moderate. — in carta, to write down. — la vita, to lay one's life. Por bocca, to meddle with. — assedio, to besiege. — a pericolo, to endanger, to peril. — in sicuro, to lay up safe. — a pie', to unhorse, to set on foot. — odio, to conceive hatred against. — mano, to begin a thing. — a bocca, to speak of somebody. — mano ad una botte, to tap a barrel. — a giogo, to yoke together. — credenza, to trust, give credit to. — colore, to colour. — fuoco, to set on fire. — in caccia, to put to flight. — in croce, to crucify; (fig.) to torment, vex. V. crocifiggere; 2. to marry, give in marriage; 3. to assign, give; 4. to deliberate;5. to impose, command. Por legge, to impose a law, to command. Por silenzio, to impose silence; 6. to land, disembark; 7. to plant;8. to approach, put or place near; 9. to hatch.V. covare; 10. to resolve, determine; 11. to constitute, appoint; 12. to adduce, quote; v. r. — a letto, to go to bed. — in cuore, to resolve. — a sedere, to sit down. — in cammino, to set out on a journey. — con alcuno, to become familiar with a person. — gran cura di che che sia, to be afflicted or vexed about any thing. — in alcuno, to refer to the judgment of another person.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English