Plaga, plagæ, priore prod. f, g. Virg.A wounde: a cut: a stripe: a chappe in a tree: the print of a stripe. Per translationem a great losse, hurt, or displeasure: an heauie chaunce.Nodi plagarum.Stat.The prints, knobbes, or swellings of stripes.Dolor crepitusque plagarum.Cic.The griefe and noise of ftripes. Expertia plagarum corpora. Lucr. Leuior est plaga ab amico.Cic.A stroke at a friends hand.Ex retuso telo plaga. Cels. A wound giuen with a dul weapon rebated. Altæ plagæ. Sen. Deepe woundes.Exigua plaga. Cels. Insanabilis. Lactant. Luculenta plaga. Tide LVCVLENTVS. Lunata plaga. Cels. A cut or incision made crooked moonewise. Odiosa. Cic.Venit plaga vehementior. Ci. The stroke falleth heauier. Accipere plagam. Cicero. To receiue a wound: to bee wounded: to haue a great hurt or losse.Adhibere plagas, Vide ADHIBEO.Consumere hostem plagis. Hor. Dissoluere corpora valida plaga. Lucret. Domare corpora plagis. Lucr. Facere grauem plagam. Cice. To giue a great wounde: to wound or hurt grieuously.Facta plaga. Cels. A cut or inciston made: a launcing,Ferre plagam.Virg.To be about to strike: to strike.Fieri meliorem plagis. Ci. With beating to be made better.Hiantes plagas vincire fasciolis. Apul. To binde vp gaping wounds with tolles of cloth.Imponere plagam insanabilem alicui.Cic.Infligere plagam mortiferam alicui Cicero.To giue one an vncurable wounde: to giue him his deaths wound. To do such a displeasure to one, as he shal neuer be able to recuuer.Inijcere plagam.Cic.To cut: to wound: to hurt.Leuare plagam, Vide LEVIS. Obducere plagam limo. Pli. Pati plagas non possum. Ter. I cannot abide to be buffetd or beaten. Perferre plagas. Cic.Peremptus plagis vitulus.Virg.Corpus plagis præbere. Oui. To suffer himselfe to be beatÊ.Sonantes plagæ. Aus. Stripes ringing or sounding: Ierkes. Plaga. Plin. A cut, chap, or gashe in a tree. vt Succus è plaga manat. Plin. Plagæ priore correpta. Ci. Great nets to take wilde beasts in. The arming corde of a net.Densæ plagæ. Hor. Thicke nettes.Dispositæ. Sen. Nets set to take beastes.Raræ. Sen. Widenets.Nodosæ.Ouid. Teretes. Hora. Plagis nexilibus ambire syluas.Ouid.Cadere in plagas.Ouid.Canes compellÛt feram in plagas. Plau. The houndes chase beastes into the nettes.Mollibus plagis illigare damas. Mart. Sepire laltum plagis. Lucr. To set a lawne about with toyle or with uets.Tendere plagas.Ouid.Trudere apros in obstantes plagas multa cane. Hor. Incidere in plagas, per translationem.Cic.To happen into the nets, to fal into a snare set of purpose to deceyue him and put him to hurt.Iaci in plagas amoris. Lucr To be cast into snares of loue.Conijcere se in plagas, Vide CONIICIO.Texere plagas contra se.Cic.To make arguments to confounde himselfe with: to worke snares against himselfe. Plaga. priore similiter correpta. Vir. A greate space in heauen or earth called Clima, a coast.Cœli plaga lcrutari.Cic. Mundi plaga. Sen. Diuitis arua plagæ.Val. Flac.Lactea plaga cœli. Sta. The white circle about the moone called of Philosophers Via lactea. Marmorata plaga ingenti dorso.Stat.An high ridge waye paued with marble.Mitis plaga. Sil. A milde and temperate coast.Solifera plaga. Sen. The east part. Plagæ. Var. Tapcstrie: coun: erpointes: carpets. vt, Chlamydes plagæ, vasa aurea. Var.