Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Piétr-a, s. f. dim. Piétr-élla, Piétr-ína, Piétr-olína, Piétr-úzza, Piétr-uzzóla,Piétr-uzzolétta , Piétr-uzzolína, aug. Piétr-óne, disp. Piétr-áccia,Piétr-ázza ,
1. a stone. — focaja, a flint. — preziosa,a precious stone. — di paragone, a touchstone. — molaja, a grinding stone. — pomice,a pumice, a pumice-stone; 2. stone, gravelstone.Trar la — e nasconder la mano, to do the mischief and deny it; 3. hail-stones.Mobil —, a cruel, inexorable woman. Mutarsi in —, to become inexorable. — mossa non fa muschio, a rolling stone gathers no moss; 4. stone (in the bladder).
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
pietra: any kind of stone. Vsed also for ruggednesse or hardnesse. Vsed also for a hard-hearted man, or that feeleth no passion.