Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Pérd-ere, v. a. (perdo, &c., pass. perdei or perdetti, &c., per-si, Pérd-se, Pérd-sero, part. Pérd-duto, Pérd-so,)
1. to lose. — la vista, to lose one's eyes or eye-sight. — la parola, to lose one's speech; 2. to consume, to waste, dissipate, squander away.— l'occasione, to lose or let slip the opportunity;3. to lose. — la partita, to lose the game. — la causa, to be cast. — di vista, to lose the sight of. — vergogna, to become impudent or dishonest. Non — dramma d'una cosa, not to diminish in the smallest degree. Non — di naso alcuno, to follow track by the scent. — il bere il mangiare, to be no longer hungry or thirsty. — il nome, to lose one's reputation. — il senno, to go mad. — la scherma, not to know what one is about. — la speranza, to despair. — la congiuntura, to lose one's opportunity. — l'impresa, to fail in one's object or undertaking. — l'umido, to become dry,v. n. & r. 1. to lose one's self; 2. to lose one's way. — d'animo, to be discouraged or disheartened. — in un bicchier d'acqua, to ruin one's self for a thing of no moment; s. m.Pérd-itóre , f. Pérd-itríce; adj. Pérd-énte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
perdere: or persi, perso, or perdúto, to loose, to foregoe, to letslip: Also to loose or be lesse in comparison. Also for a man to loose or confound himselfe. Also to faint and rest as quailed.