Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Péndere, v. n.
1. to hang; 2. to dangle to and fro, to hang danglingly; 3. to incline. Questo panno pende al rosso, this cloth inclines to red; 4. to hang, to bend on one side; 5. to depend or be subject to; 6. to be depending or undecided. — dalla bocca di qualcheduno, to be attentive to or to hearken to what one says.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
pendere: or péso, to hange, to dangle downe. Also to encline, to bend or encline on one side. Also to be in doubt or suspence. Also to poise, to ponder or consider. Also to deriue, to haue dependeneie of, to depend off or to stay vpon.