[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: pensiero (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Pensiér-o, Pensiér-e, Pensiér-i, s. m. dim. Pensiér-étto, Pensiér-íno, Pensiér-úccio,Pensiér-úzzo , aug. Pensiér-óne, disp. Pensiér-áccio,
1. thought, thoughts, meaning, notion. Pensieri nojosi,troublesome thoughts. Non è questo il mio —, this is not my meaning. L'avevo in pensiere, I had it in my head; 2. thought, thoughts, design. Quando fate — di partire,when do you intend to go. Ho fatto — di mai non vederlo, I have made a resolution never to see him. Mi venne in — di mandarlo a chiamare, it came into my head to send for him; 3. sorrow, anguish, heaviness, thoughtfulness, melancholy, anxiety, care, vexation.Andare, essere, stare sopra —, to be thoughtful or cogitative, to be absent with one's mind;4. care, diligence, application. In mentre che egli andava sopra questo pensiero, whilst he was thinking of this. Sto sempre sopra questo —,I am always thinking of this. M'entrò in — di scrivergli, a thought came in my head to write to him.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English