Paulùm, Aduerbium, diminutiuum Parum. Ter. A little.Paulùm supplicij. Ter. Paulum hostium impetus tardatus est. Cæs. Paulum quum eius villa abessemus.Cic.When we were a little from his house.Quasi verò paulum differat ager Campanus ac Stellatis. Ci. As though there were but little difference betweene.Addere paulum aliquid rei alicui.Cic.Spatio decedere paulum. Lucr. Hæsit paulum conterritus aspectu.Virg.Leuari paulum grauitate valetudinis.Cic.Inimutare paulüm aliquid.Paulum recreant me tuæ Epistolæ.Cic. Paulum aliquid sederunt in scholis philosophorÛ.Quintil.They sate a little while in philosophers schooles. Non paulum, Vide NON Aduerbium.Admodum paulum.Cic.Very little.Aues paulum infra columbas magnitudine. Plin. Birds not much lesse than culuers.Paulùm modò. Cicero, Si Popeius paulum modò ostenderit sibi placere. Neuer so litile.Paulum opprdò inter se differunt.Cic.A te paulum allatum est noui.Cic.Vt pòst paulum clarius ostendemus. Quint. As we will shew more plainely a little after.Paulum interesse censes ex animo omnia, Vt fert natura facias, an de-industria? Ter.Thinke you it is but little difference, &c.
Paulus, The Apostle of Christ, borne in Iudea, in a towne called Giscalis, of the tribe of Beniamin, the towne being takÊ by the Romaynes, went with his parents to Tarsus a citie of Cilicia, and vwelled there. But afterward he was sente by them to Hierusalem to learne the lawes, and was there taught of one Gamaliel, a great learned man. Hee being with other at the martyrdome of saint Stephen, receyued letters of the Bishop, willing him to go to Damascus, there to persecute them that beleened in Christ. And in the waye, he was by reuelation chaunged, from a persecutor to a vessel of election. Afterwarde when hee had conuerted Sergius Pauius (then being Proconfull at Cypres) to the fayth of Christ, by him he was called Paulus, where before hee was named Saulus. Fynally he suffred Martyrdome by beheadding after the passion of Christ xxxvil yeares, and the xiiii. yeare of the reigne of Nero. Hæc Hieronimus & Sophronius, The reasidue of his life appeareth in the actes of the Apostles. His learning and misticall wisedome, is well shewed in his Epistles, in the which (as saint Peter sayth) be some thinges harde to be vnderstoode, and that men vnlearned and inconstante doe depraue, lyke as they doe the other partes of Scripture, to their owne perdition.Paulus Samosatenus, An hortible heretike, Bishop of Antioche, a man of exceeding pride, a nd intollerable vanitie, about the yere of out Lord 267, His heresie was, that Christ began of out Lady, and tooke his first beginning of % earth, and was a man only of our common nature. Which heresle was condemned by a generall councell holden at Antioche, and Paulus ercommunicate by all the connsell, and an other Bishop put in his place, And he by the commaundement of the Emperout Aurelianus was of the people pulled out of the Church.