[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: parola (data provider: donatus-sup), parole (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Paról-a, s. f. dim. Paról-étta, Paról-ína, Paról-inétta, Paról-inúzza,Paról-úccia , Paról-úzza, aug. Paról-óna, Paról-óne, Paról-ózza, disp.Paról-áccia ,
1. a word. Perder —, to lose one's speech. Chieder —, to ask leave; 2. the natural faculty of speech; 3. the sound of the voice, pronunciation; 4. sentence, saying, retort. — da vegghia, trifle, nonsense. Ammazzare le parole, to speak indistinctly. Mentir la —,to forfeit one's promise. Muovere le —, to begin to speak. Pascer di parole, to flatter. Smozzicar le parole, to clip one's words. Venir in parole, to threaten. — per —, literally. In una —, in a word, briefly. Le parole son femmine, e i fatti maschi, words will not supply the place of deeds. Dar la —, to pass one's word. Dar —, to promise. Uomo di —, a man of his word. Andar sopra la —,to rely upon one's word or honour. — torta,an ill word. — tronca, half a word. Far delle parole fango, to break one's word, not to be as good as one's word. Romper le parole in bocca, to interrupt one that speaks, to take one up. Parole sciolte, a free, easy style of writing. Venire a parole, to come to hard words. Pigliare in parole, to catch one in saying things contrary to what he had said before. Pesar le parole, to weigh and consider well what one has to say. Parole da vegghia, old stories. Non ne far parola, not to mention any thing of it. Masticar le parole, to think before one speaks, to reflect upon what one has to say. Mangiarsi le parole, not to speak plain.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
parola: a word, a motto. Also the word or speech. Also word or promise.