Pariter, penu. corr. Aduerb. congregandi, significans Simul. Plin. iun.Togither: likewise: semblably: equally.Id pariter cum omni animante nascitur.Cicer.Euery liuing thing haue it of nature.Vt vixisse cum Repub, pariter, & cum illa simul extinctus esse videatur.Cic.Pariter cum vita sensus amittitur. Cicero. A man leeseth hys sense togither with his life.Tua laus pariter cum Rep. cecidit. Cic.Crescunt patiter cum Luna, pariterqúe decrescÛt ostreæ. Ci. Oisters increase and decrease togither with the moone.Mecum pariter molestè ferunt Siculi.Cicer.The Sicillans take is grieuonsly as wel as I.Infindunt pariter sulcos.Virg.Vtraque vis pariter metuenda.Virg.Ad hanc vtilitatem pariter nobiscum progredi possis. Auth. ad Heren. Secum pariter me reportauit Respub.Cic. Pariter, pro ex æquo. Næuius, Vt pariter dispertiantur bona patris. That they may equally diuide % fathers goods.Participem pariter ego te, & tu me facias.Plaut.Pariter & æqualiter.Cic. Pariter, pro similiter, pugnat pariter pro salute M. Fonteij Narbonensis colonia. Cic.The countrie of Narbon dothe in like maner labour for the safegarde of.Lætamur amicorum lætitia æquè atque nostra, & pariter dolemus angoribus.Cic.And in like maner, &c.Trucidant fœminas pariter ac viros. Liuius. They kill bothe women and men.Pariter Patribus ac plebi charus.Liu.Pariter nunc opera me adiuues, ac dudum re opitulata es.Terent.Helpe me now in like manner with thy labour, as thou diddest not long since with thy goods.-hoc fit Pariter, at que vt alia facta sunt.Plaut.This is done in like sorte as other things haue beene.-hunc reliquit filium Pariter moratum vt pater fuit.Plaut.Hauing conditions like to his father.
părĭto, āre, v. freq. a. [1. paro], to prepare, get ready, be about to do a thing (Plautin.): quo nunc ire paritas?Plaut. Merc. 3, 4, 64.—With ut: ecquas viginti minas Paritas ut a med auferas?Plaut. Ps. 1, 5, 71.