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Forms: panno (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Pánn-o, s. m. dim. Pánn-icéllo, Pánn-icíno, Pánn-ícolo, aug.Pánn-óne , disp. Pánn-áccio,
1. cloth, woollen or linen cloth. — d'arazzo, tapestry; 2. pl. clothes of whatever materials they may be; 3. counterpane.— di gamba, stockings; 4. (met.) body. Cangiar —, to change one's thoughts. Levare i panni dalla scena, to lift the curtain, to discover any secret. Pigliare il — pel verso, to take the true method of doing any thing. Non potersi star ne' panni, to be in the greatest delight. Venire a'panni di alcuno, to accost any one. Tagliare i panni addosso, to speak ill of, slander. Tagliar secondo il —, to cut one's coat according to one's cloth; 5. crust or skin upon milk, wine, or other liquor. Però va oltre, io ti verrò a'panni, go on, I'll follow you;6. a pearl or web in the eye. Starsi ne'suoi panni, to be contented with what one has. In questo — non ci è taglio, it is an affair beyond our ca<*>acity or skill. I panni rifanno le stanghe, fine feathers make a fine bird. — lino, linen cloth.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
panno: any kind of cloth. Also a tent for a wound. Also a marke which a man hath by nature.