Paciscor, pacisceris, pen. cor pactus sum. pacisei. Cicero. To make couenannt: to vargaiue: to patise: to indent.Nec vnquam de mercibus pactus Suet.Cum Xerxe nuptias filiæ eius paciscitur. Iustinus. Hee conenaunted with Xerxes to warry his dang hter.Pacisci & constituere diem.Cic.Fœdus pacisci.Cic.To make a league.Inducias aliquot dierum cum hoste pacisci.Cic.To make a truce with his euimies for certaine dayes.Pactus est duo mlia. Martial. He conenaunted or agreede to giue two thousande.Prærnium pacisci ab aliquo.Cic.To couenaunt with one to haue a rewarde.Pretium pacisci.Ouid.Prerium prædombus pro capite pacisci. Cice. To agree with the pirates what to giue for his raunsome.Pacifci vitam ab hoste.Salust.To couenatint with his euimy to saue his life.Vitam pro laude pacisci. Virgil. To bee willing to giue hys life to get honour and piaise. Pactus est illum dimitti. Plini. Hee coutnaunted that he shoulde be let go.Nequis frumentum de area tolleret, antequam cum decumano pactus esset.Cicer.Before he had agreede wyth the fatmer of the tenths.Pascitur magna mercede cum Celriberorum principibus vt copias inde abducant.Liu.For a grcate lmume of money hee agreeth with the princes of Celtiheria to haue awaye the armie.Sestertio cum aliquo pacisci.Cic. Filiam alicui pacisci.Cicer.To promise and agree with one to haue his daughter.Quum pacta esset illa Cæsari. Plin. After shee was betrothed to Cæsar.Cui pacta Lauinia ante aduentum Æneæ fuerat.Liui.To whoure Lauinia was betrothed or promised in ntarriage before Aeneas came. Iniquè pacisci. Cic.
Pactum, pacti, n. g. Ci. A couenaunt: a conuention: a bargaine: an agreement.Mansit in conditione atque pacto.Cic.He stucke to the coudition and bargaine.Formula pacti.Ouid. Inexorabile pactum. Stat.Sacrum pactum. Vale. Flac. Connenit pacto, Vide CONVENIO.Exuere pacta.Tacit. Ligare pacta. Propert. Obseruantur ex conuentu pacta. Author ad Heren. Seruare pactum.Cic. Pacto, Ablatiuus. Plau. Nõ tacebo vnquam alio pacto, nisi taleuto comptimor. I will not any otherwise holde my peate, vulesie thou stop my mouth wyth a taleut of money.Eo pacto & goati vitam, & consilium meum cognosces. Ter. By that meanes thou shalt vnderstand, &c.Nullo pacto, Vide NVLLVS.
Pactus, participium: vt Anchora pacta littoribus. Ouid.The ancker fastened to the sea side.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
păciscor, pactus, 3, v. dep. n. and a. (act. collat. form, v. supra) [1. paco], to make a bargain, contract, or agreement with any one; to covenant, agree, stipulate, bargain, contract respecting any thing (cf.: transigo, stipulor, pango). I.Lit.A. In gen. (a).Neutr.: pacisci cum illo paululā pecuniā potes, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 8, 24; Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 14, 36; Ov. M. 4, 702: paciscitur magnā mercede cum Celtiberorum principibus, ut, etc., Liv. 25, 33; cf.: pacti sunt inter se, ut die statutā, Just. 1, 10, 4; 16, 4, 7; 38, 3, 5; cf. esp. id. 3, 6, 10: votis pacisci, Ne Cypriae Tyriaeque merces Addant avaro divitias mari (= votis transigere cum dis), Hor. C. 3, 29, 59: de mercedibus, Suet. Gram. 7.—(b).Act.: quae pacisci modo scis, set quod pacta's, non scis solvere, Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 89: argentum, id. ib. arg. 1, 9: quam (provinciam) sibi pactus erat, Cic. Sest. 25, 55: rem, Auct. Her. 2, 13, 20: pecuniam cum aliquo, Auct. B. Alex. 55: omnibus proscriptis, reditum salutemque pactus est, Vell. 2, 77, 2: ab aliquo vitam, Sall. J. 26, 1; so, pactus in singulos (homines) minas decem a tyranno, Plin. 35, 10, 36, 99: cum Xerxe nuptias filiae, Just. 2, 15, 14.—With object-clause: Leucippo fieri pactus uterque gener, Ov. F. 5, 702: dimitti (eum) pactus, si, etc., Plin. 8, 7, 7, 18.—In part. fut. pass.: ut firma fierent paciscenda, Amm. 31, 12, 13.—B. In partic., of a marriage-contract, to betroth a woman (syn.: despondeo, spondeo): ex quā pactus esset vir domo, in matrimonium duceret, Liv. 4, 4, 10: Etutam pacto fratri eum invidisse, id. 44, 30, 4.—II.Trop., to barter, hazard, stake (poet.): vitam pro laude, Verg. A. 5, 230: letum pro laude, id. ib. 12, 49: aevum pro luce, Stat. Th. 1, 317.