Oleo, oles, oleui, olétum, pen. prod. vel ólui, ólírum. pen. corr. olêre. Plaut.To sanour: to haue sauoure: to stinke.Rosa recens lõginquo olet. Pli. A fresh rose smelleth far of.Bene olere.Cic.To haue a god sauour.Deterius olet herba. Hor. The hearbe hath a worse sauoure.Iucundè olere. Plin. To haue a pleasant sauour.Masè olere.Cic.To haue an yll sauouc: to stinke.Malè olet omne cœnum.Cic.Nihil olet.Cic.It hath no fanoure at all. Oleo, com Accusatiuo.Plaut. Mycrham olet. To sauour: or sente of Myrrhe: to haue the sauour of Myrrhe.Olet huic aurum. Plau. He smelleth or suspecteth that I haue money.Olet furtum. Plau. Hircum olere Horat.To stincke like a goate.Olent illa supercilia malitiam. Cicero. These browes, or that sturdie looke of thine, doth signifie that thou art malitious. Oleo, cum ablatiuo.Ouid. Et olentia sulphure. Olere pro malè olere. Hor. To stincke.