Offendo, offendis. offendi, offensum, offendere, Compositum ex ob & fendo, quod non est in vsu. Plau. To sind by chance: to meete wich: to fall into: to strike or hit a thing vnwares: to offende: to hurte: to empaire: to doe amisse to dis. please.Si in platea hac te offendero.Terent.If I meete with thee in this streete.Scopulum offendere.Cicer.To light vpon, or by chaunce to hit against a rocke.Puppis oftendit in scopulis.Ouid.The Ship did hit against the rockes.Offendere ad stipitem. Columel. To hurte himselfe againste a siumpe. Tanquam M. Attilius primo accessu ad Africam offenderit Liu.As if M. Attilius haphened at his first comming to doe amisse in Affricke. Offédere.To hurt any part of the bodie by hitting against.Colum. Arando ne coxam bos, aliamue partem corporis offendat. Least the oxe in earing happen to hurte.Latus offendere.Cic.To hurte. Offendere.Plaut.By chaunce to finde.Texentem telam studiose ipsam offendimus.Terent.Qui quum ad villam venisset, & omnia aliter offendisset, &c Cic.And had found all things otherwise.Imparatum aliquem offendere.Cic. Offendere.Cic.To offende: to displease: to doe amisse.Aliquem offendere. Suet. To displease or disconent one.Offendere apud iudices.Cic.To pleade yli, & not to contente the iudges: to be caste in his suite.Aciem oculorum offendere. Plin. To hurte the ey fight.Amicum offendere in nugis. Horat. In small trifles to dis. please.Offendere alicui animum.Cicer.To offend ones mind to discontentito displease.Offendere animos bonorum in. Ci. In Pompeio defendÊdo animos bonorum offenderent. Animus meus multis rebus offenditur.Cic.Contumelia offendere aliquem.Cic.Existimationem alicuius offendere.Cic.To hurte ones honour: rep utation or credit.Lumen extinctum offendit nares nidore, Lucret.A candle new put out is lothsome to smell.Pectora offenduntur facto aliquo.Ouid.Sensum aliquorum offendere.Cic.Vitio alicuius offendi.Cic.In aliquo aliquem ostendere.Cic.To offend or displease one in a thing.Offendere aliquid in re aliqua.Cic.To finde some faulte in a thing.Offendi.Cic. Minus offendor. I am lesse discontent.Offendi in aliquo. Ci. To be deceyued in his opinion that he had of one: not to finde him such a man as he thought.Si quo in vitio eius offe nderemur.Cic.If there were any faulte in him that did mislike vs.Offendere in arrogantiam.Cic.To fall into arrogancie: to offende in arrogancie.Si in me aliquid offendistis.Cic.If ye haue found any fault in me: if I haue misliked or discontented you.Offendit me loci celebritas, Cic.I cannot away with % great haunt of people that resorteth to the place.Offendit eos noster labor.Cic.Our labor doth mislike thÊ.Quum multi viti fortes & terra & mari sæpe offenderint.Cic.Seeing that many valiant men haue oftentimes had mishap and yll successe in their doings both by sea and by lande.Componi aliquid de se nisi & serio, & præstãtissimis offÊdebatur. Sueton. He was displeased and discontent that anye thing shoulde be made of him. &c. Offensum esse. impersonaliter dicitur, quum aliquid secus accidit qum sperabamus. Ci. Si cecidisset vt volumus, vt optamus, omnes te & sapienter & fortiter: sin aliquid esset offensum, eosdem illos & cupidè & temerè fecisse dicturos. If any thing hapned amisse or otherwyse than well.Si tantulum offensum, titubatumque sit, vt, &c.Cicer.If one chance to offend: or doe amisse be it neuer so little.Offendeus. Participium.