Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Óss-o, s. m. pl. ossi & ossa, dim. Óss-eréllo, Óss-étto,Óss-icíno , disp. Óss-áccio, bone. Coll'arco dell'—,with all one's might. Colle ossa dure, of an advanced age. Aver checchessia fitto nell' —,to have an ardent desire for a thing. Esser di carne e di —, to be flesh and blood, to have human infirmities. Esser di buon —, to be gay, cheerful. Torre a rodere un — duro, to undertake a difficult thing. Egli è — e pelle,he is nothing but skin and bone. — delle frutta, the stone of fruits.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
osso: any kind of bone. Also the stone of any fruite, as Olines, Plums, or Dates, &c.