Nubes, nubis, f. gene. A cloude: by transtation, aduersitie: any thing wherewith the knowledge of matters is hidde: a cloke: a couer.Aer sine nubibus.Ouid. Conflictus nubium. Cic.Corio nubium crassiore spissatur aer. Plin. Aeria nubes. Tib. Deformis. Sen. Aetherea nubes.Ouid. Fugaces nubes. Claud. Alta nubes.Virg. Fuluæ. Ouid.Aquosa.Ouid. Gelidæ. Virg.Ardens.Virg. Imbriferæ nubes. Lus. Stormie.Arduæ nubes. Hor. clowdes.Aridior nubes. Lucre. Liquidæ nubes. Virg.Atra. Lucret. Mœstissima nubes. Claud. Bibulæ nubes.Ouid. Nigra. Virg.Cærulea nubes.Virg. Piceæ nubes. Ouid.Cærula.Virg. Roseæ nubes. Val. Flac.Caligans nubes Cic. Sordidæ. Sen. Vacuœ nubes. Sen. Voide clowdes, bringing no raine, snow, nor haile.Vmbrosæ nubes.Val. Flac.Vmbriferæ nubes.Virg.Volantes nubes. Lucret. Abruptæ nubes.Virg.Fluidis adopertus nubibus æther.Ouid.The skie coueved with slitting clowdes.Itis alimenta affert nubibus.Ouid.Caua nube amicti.Virg.Attrahit nubes Sol. Lucan. Aer cogitur in nubem.Virg.Coguntur in cœlo nubes.Cic.Clowdes gather in the aire.Contrusæ nubes ad altos montes. Lucrer. Collectæ ex alto nubes.Virg.Concrescunt nubes in alto. Lucret. Conditus in nubem sol.Virg.The sunne hid in a clowds.Conseissis nubibus orbem protulit luna.Stat.Exigua nubes sordido crescens globo.Senec.Discussa nube tonant venti.Ouid.Æstiuis effusus nubibus imber.Virg.Elisa nube micat dirum fulmen.Senec.The bright lightning bursteth out of the clowde.Eripiunt subitò nubes cœlúmq; diémque.Virg.The clowds onercast the whole firmamÊt & made it as darke as night.Grauidæ cuanescunt nubes.Ouid.Oppositas nubes enicit imago solis.Ouid.Excussis elisus nubibus ignis.Ouid.Lightning.Facere tenebras nubibus. Lucret. Collectas nubes fugat Iuppiter.Virg.Subita nubes glomeratur nigro puluere.Virg.The dult raised sodainely, did make as it were a blacke clowde.Inardescit solis radijs nubes.Virg.Induerunt se in nubem anhelitus.Cic.Vanished in a cloude.Infecta nubes ab ictu aduersi solis.Ouid.Procella venti intorsit se nubibus. Lucret. Ventus inuadit nubem. Lucret. Assiduis nubibus madescit tellus.Ouid.Obijcere nubem oculis.Ouid.To cast a clowds before ones ties.Opacam nubem pellet ventus.Cic.The winde thaseth away-Ventus perscindit nubem. Lucret. Sol later pressus nubibus.Ouid.Quatit nubes Iuppiter.Senec.Circunfusa nubes se scindit.Virg.Spissescit nubes. Lucret. Summotis nubibus cadunt imbres.Virg.Densis texit sua nubibus ora Luciser.Ouid.Obscura nubes ventos trabitur.Virg.Glauca nube tremunt lumina.Val. Flac. Nubes peditum, per transtationem.Liu.A great multitude of foote men close together.Armorum nubes.Stat.Belli nubes.Virg.Pulueris nubes. Curt. A clowde of dult.Puluerea nubes bellorum.Stat.Immensa campo consurgit nubes. Lucan. Facere nubem.Virg.Atram prorumpit ad æthera nubÊ.Virg.It casteth up a black clowde euen vp vuto the skie.Obljcere nubem fraudibus. Horat. To couer or cast a clowde before their deceiptfull workings to hide them. Cæcæ nubes, tenebræ, procellæ Reip. Cicero. The clowdes, tempestis, any stormes of the commen meale, the great troubles and aduersitie.Tristi nube caret vita.Ouid.Dis life is without aduersitie, missortune, or heauinesse.Opaca nube mortis grauis vultus.Stat.
Nubo, nubis, nupsi, & nuptus sum præteritum facit, nuptum, núbere. Cic.To couer.Nubere.To be married: to take an husband: to be wedded. Properly of the woman and sometime of the man, when it is signified that his wife is his maister.Aiebant hodie filiam meam nubere tuo nato.Terent.They talked that my daughter should be wedded to your sonue.Siqua voles aptè nubere, nube pari.Ouid.If thou will mary well, match thee with thy equall.Vxori nolo nubere meæ. Mart. I will not be wedded to my wife to serue her.Vna apud duos nupta. Gell. One woman maried to two husbandes.Nupta est cum illo.Plaut.Cic.She is wedded to him.Nupta est male.Plaut.She is ill bestowed.Nubere in familiam claram.Cic.To be married to one of a noble house and family. Nubere dicuntur etiam arbores vitibus, & vites arboribus. Plin. To be ioyned to vines that they may clime vp by them.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
nūbes, is, f. (ante-class. collat. form, nūbis, is, m.: nubis ater, Plaut. Merc. 5 2, 38: nubs for nubes, Liv. Andron. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 10, 636; cf. Aus. Idyll. de Monosyll. Hist. 12, 4) [Sanscr. nabhas, vapor, cloud; Gr. ne/fos, nefe/lh; Lat. nubilus, nebula; cf. nimbus, nubo], a cloud. I.Lit.: aër concretus in nubes cogitur, Cic. N. D. 2, 39, 101: id. Ac. 2, 22, 70: atra nubes Condidit lunam, Hor. C. 2, 16, 2: candida, Vulg. Apoc. 14, 14: aestivis effusus nubibus imber, Verg. G. 4, 312; Ov. M. 8, 339: venti nubes abigunt, Plin. 2, 47, 48, 126: nube deprendere volucrem jaculis,
nūbo, psi, ptum, 3, v. a. and n. (acc. to Prisc. p. 789 P., the ancients used the construction nubere aliquem; hence part. pass.: nuptus, a, um; v. fin.) [root in Sanscr. nabhas; Germ. Nebei; Gr. ne/fos, nefe/lh; Lat.: nubes, nebula, nimbus; cf. nu/mfh], to cover, veil. I. In gen. (very rare): jubet ut udae virgines nubant rosae. Auct. Pervig. Ven. 22: quod aqua nubat terram, Arn. 3, 118.—II. In partic., of a bride: alicui, to cover, veil herself for the bridegroom, i. e. to be married to him; to marry, wed (class. and freq.); constr. with dat. or absol.: nuptam esse; also with cum; post-class. also with apud: quo illae nubent divites Dotatae?Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 15: virgo nupsit ei, cui Caecilia nupta fuerat, Cic. Div. 1, 46, 104: deam homini nubere, Aug. Civ. Dei, 4, 27: locuples quae nupsit avaro, Juv. 6, 141; 591: regis Parthorum filius, quocum esset nupta regis Armeniorum soror, Cic. Fam. 15, 3, 1: Amphitruo ... Quicum Alcumenast nupta, Plaut. Am. prol. 99: dum cum illo nupta eris, id. As. 5, 2, 20: cum in familiam clarissimam nupsisses, Cic. Cael. 14, 34: in familiae luctum, id. Clu. 66, 188: ut una apud duos nupta esset, Gell. 1, 23, 8: si qua voles apte nubere, nube pari, Ov. H. 9, 32: posse ipsam Liviam statuere nubendum post Drusum, Tac. A. 4, 40: tu nube atque tace, Juv. 2, 61.—In the sup.: nam quo dedisti nuptum, abire nolumus, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 83; cf.: uxor, invita quae ad virum nuptum datur, id. ib. 1, 2, 85: Mamilio filiam nuptum dat, Liv. 1, 49: ultro nuptum ire, Plaut. Cas. prol. 86: nuptum locare virginem, Ter. Phorm. 5, 1, 25: propinquas suas nuptum in alias civitates collocāsse, Caes. B. G. 1, 18: nuptum mitti, Sall. Fragm. ap. Arus. Mess.—Impers. pass.: cujusmodi hic cum famā facile nubitur, Plaut. Pers. 3, 1, 58: praestruxit, hic quidem nubi, ubi sit et mori, Tert. c. Marc. 4, 38.—Pers.: neque nubent neque nubentur, Vulg. Matt. 22, 30. —B.Transf.1. Of a man, to marry, be married (poet. and in post-class. prose): pontificem maximum rursus nubere nefas est, Tert. ad Uxor. 1, 7: nec filii sine consensu patrum rite et jure nubent, id. ib. 2, 11; Hier. Ep. 22, n. 19; Vulg. Luc. 20, 34: viri nupti, Varr. ap. Non. 480. 3.—So, comically, of a man who is ruled by his wife, Non. 143, 24 sq.: uxorem quare locupletem ducere nolim, Quaeritis? uxori nubere nolo meae,
will not be my wife's wife
, Mart. 8, 12, 2.—Also of unnatural vice: nubit amicus, Nec multos adhibet, Juv. 2, 134; Mart. 12, 42; Lampr. Heliog. 10; Cod. Just. 9, 9, 31.—2. In mal. part.: haec cotidie viro nubit, Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 45; cf. id. Cas. 2, 8, 45 sqq.; Mart. 1, 24, 4.—3. Of plants, to be wedded, i. e. tied to others: vites in Campano agro populis nubunt, Plin. 14, 1, 3, 10: et te, Bacche, tuos nubentem junget ad ulmos, Manil. 5, 238: populus alba vitibus nupta, Plin. 18, 28, 68, 266.—Hence, nuptus, a, um, P. a., married, wedded: ex quā hic est puer et nupta jam filia, Cic. Sest. 3, 6.—Subst.: nūpta, ae, f., a married woman, bride, wife: nova nupta, Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 33; Juv. 2, 120: pudica, Liv. 3, 45, 6; Ov. F. 2, 794: nupta virum timeat, id. A. A. 3, 613; Tac. G. 18; Sen. Contr. 3, 21, 9; Juv. 6, 269; 3, 45.—Comically, in the masc.: novus nuptus, of a man married in jest as a woman to another man, Plaut. Cas. 5, 1, 6 (cited in Prisc. p. 789 P.).— Transf.: nupta verba, which should not be spoken by the unmarried, Paul. ex Fest. p. 170 Müll.