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Forms: nome (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Nóm-e, s. m. disp. Nóm-áccio,
1. name; 2. name, reputation, renown, character. Acquistar —,to acquire fame; 3. stead, place. In vostro —, in your stead; 4. a watch-word or signal in war; 5. noun. — sustantivo, a noun-substantive. Aver —, to be named or called, to have the reputation. Dar —, to give to understand. Levar —, to divulge. Portare mal — di sua persona, to have a bad name, reputation, or character. A —, per —, by name.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
nome: any name or nomination. Also a noune. Also a calling or title. Also certaine painefull sores which by creeping on, eat vp and consume the bodie. Also an Aduerbe of exception, but, but onely, except, sauing. Vsed also for fame, renowme, honour and reputation.