Niteo, nites, nítui nitêre. To be neate or cleane: to be beautifull and gay: to shine.Tibi hoc præcipio, vt niteant ædes.Plaut.That the house be faire and trimme.Nitere vnguentis, fogere purpura.Cic.To be trimme with perfumes, and glitter in gay purple.Barba nitet. Tibul. Cœlum nitet diffuso lumine. Lucr. Ora candida nitent.Ouid.Regina nitet ante alias. Statius. The Dueene aboue all other was gorgious and goodly to beholde.Serpens niret recenti squama.Ouid.Tecta nitent ære.Ouid.Nitere oratio dicitur.Cic.To be trimly garnished.Multa nitent in carmine.Ouid.Nitens. Participium. Shining: beautifull: gay. vtOre floridulo nitens. Catull. Nitens crine, niger vnguento. Mart. Astra nitentia.Ouid.Shining starres.Capilli nitentes malobathro. Horar. Culta nitentia.Virg.Eared sields goodly to seeto.Equi nitentes.Virg.Faire white horses.Galea nitens.Virg.Glitrering.Flos nitentior ostro.Ouid. Ingenium nitens. Stat.Frondes nitentes auro.Ouid. Oculi nitentes. Virg.Non valde nitens, non planè horrida oratio.Cic.Vuæ nitentes.Ouid.
Nitor, niroris, Vide NITBO.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
nĭtĕo, ēre (gen. plur nitentūm, Verg. Cir. 523), v. n. [etym. dub.; cf. nix], to shine, look bright, glitter, glisten (cf., luceo, fulgeo splendeo). I.Lit.: placatumque nitet diffuso lumine caelum, Lucr. 1, 9: luna potest solis radiis percussa nitere, id. 5, 705: qui nitent unguentis, fulgent purpurā, Cic. Cat. 2, 3, 5: diversi niteant cum mille colores, Ov. M. 6, 65: vere nitent terrae, id. F. 4, 126: aera nitent usu, id. Am. 1, 8, 51; so, ebur, Tib. 1, 4, 64; Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 19; Mart. 9, 58, 6; 8, 6, 10 et saep.—B.Transf.1. Of animals, to be sleek, in good condition: at hau pol nitent (oves), Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 6: unde sic quaeso nites?Phaedr. 3, 7, 4; Plin. 18, 5, 6, 27; cf.: hic nitet ungula mulae, Juv. 7, 181.—2. Of persons, to shine, to look bright or beautiful: miseri quibus Intentata nites! ( = pulchra et amabilis videris), Hor. C. 1, 5, 12: ore nitet, Mart. 10, 89, 3: nitet ante alias regina comesque Pelides, Stat. Achill. 2, 148: murice tincta Veste nites, Mart. 5, 23, 6.—3. Of fields, plants, etc., to look flourishing, thriving, to thrive, etc.: camposque nitentes Desuper ostentat, Verg. A. 6, 677: ubi tellus nitet, Petr. 99; cf. Plin. 17, 4, 3, 26.—4. Of a house: tibi hoc praecipio ut niteant aedes,
be in complete order
, Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 281.—5. Of wealth, etc., to flourish, abound: vectigal in pace niteat, Cic. Agr. 1, 7, 21: res ubi magna nitet domino sene, Hor. S. 2, 5, 12. —II.Trop., to shine, be brilliant, look or be beautiful: ver vide; ut tota floret, ut olet, ut nitide nitet, Plaut. Truc. 2, 4, 3: illorum, vides, quam niteat oratio, Cic. Fin. 4, 3, 5; so, ubi plura nitent in carmine, Hor. A. P. 351: omnia nobilibus oppidis ni tent, Plin. 3, 5, 7, 49.—Hence, nĭtens, entis, P. a., shining, glittering, glistening, brilliant, bright. A.Lit.: capilli malobathro, Hor. C. 2, 7, 7: mensae, id. S. 2, 2, 4: oculi, Verg. A. 1, 228: astra, Ov. F. 5, 543: Lucifer, Tib. 1, 3, 93: nitentes solis equi, Val. Fl. 5, 413: arma nitentia ante rem, deformia inter sanguinem, etc., Liv. 9, 40, 5.—2.Transf.a. Of animals, sleek, fat: nitens taurus, Verg. A. 3, 20.—b. Of persons, shining, bright, beautiful: uxor ore floridulo nitens, Cat. 61, 189: desiderio meo nitenti,
my darling bright
, id. 2, 5.—Comp.: nitentior femina, Ov. M. 12, 405 (Merkel, decentior).—c. Of plants, blooming: nitentia culta, Verg. G. 1, 153: arbor laeta et nitens, Gell. 12, 1, 16.—Comp.: Tyrio nitentior ostro flos oritur, Ov. M. 10, 211.—B.Trop.1.Illustrious: recenti gloriā nitens, Liv. 3, 12: non patre nitens linguāve, Sil. 6, 19. —2. Of speech, brilliant, elegant: oratio, Cic. Brut. 67, 238.—3. Of the mind, bright, clear: macte, oro, nitenti Ingenio, Stat. S. 1, 5, 63.