Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Ne, pron. to us, us, some, some of it, of the. — ho, I have some. Datecene, give us some of it, of them. — sono contento, I am satisfied with her, him, it, them. — scrisse, he wrote to us. Ne is often a superfluous article in Italian, and is not expressed in English. La donna se ne venne e del buon uomo domandò che ne fosse, the wife came and asked what was become of her good man.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
ne: thirdly being ioined vnto Verbes as often it is, either before or after, hath these three following significations, first it sorueth for an Aduerbe of place, Hence, Thence or away, but then must the verbes euer bee of motion, as Andáre, Fuggíre, Veníre, &c. as for example, Io me ne uádo a spásso: uolendosene andáre; lui se ne e suggíto, Io me ne uénni uía, &c.