[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: natura (data provider: donatus-sup), nature (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Natúr-a, s. f. disp. Natúr-áccia,
1. nature; 2. nature, property, essence; 3. nature, temper; 4. nature, humour, condition, custom; 5. nature, sort, kind. Di sua —, naturally; 6. the femalepudenda; 7. the male organ of generation; 8<*>God.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
natura: that, whereby a thing is properly in that kind that it is, the nature, qualitie, vertue, naturall inclination, instinct, motion, or constitution of any creature, which as Seneca saith, is nothing but God, or deuine reason sowen in all the world and all the parts thereof. Also the quaint of a woman, or priuie parts of any man or beast.