Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Mutá-re, v. a.
1. to change, vary, to put one thing in the place of another; 2. to transport;3. to alter, change the appearance of any thing;4. to turn or direct toward any part; 5. to convert, to draw, induce; 6. to transfer, translate, carry away. — il digiuno, to break one's fast. — verso, to change one's course of life. — luogo, to change place; 7. to cast the skin (as many animals); v. r. 1. to turn from one thing to another; 2. to be moved by some feeling;3. — di panni, to change one's dress. — di camicia, to change one's shirt; s. m. Mutá-tóre,f. Mutá-tríce; adj. Mutá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
mutare: to change, to alter, to shift, to vary. Also to mue a Hawke or other foule. Also to make dumbe, mute or silent.