Mus, muris, m. g. Plaut.A mouse or ratte.Breuis mus.Ouid. Exiguus. Virg.Ridiculus. Horat. Rusticus. Hor. The field mouse.Vrbanus mus. Hor. The house mouse, or towne mouse. Mus araneus. Plin. A kinde of mise called a shrew, which if be go ouer a beastes backe he shall be laine in the chine: if he bite it swelleth to the hart and the beast dieth.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
mūro, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [murus], to provide with walls (late Lat.): civitatem, Cassiod. Hist. Eccl. 12, 2; Veg. Mil. 1, 21: ca stella, id. ib. 3, 8: urbes, Hier. in Isa. 1, 2, 15ext.