Munus, múneris, pen. cor. n. g. Ter. A gift: a present: a charge, dutie, or office: a benefite or friendly pleasute done to one.Beneficia parentum, deorum immortalium munera.Cic. Acceptissima munera.Ouid.Cæca munera fortunæ. Sen. The blinde giften of fortnne.Exiguum munus.Ouid.Extremum.Virg.Funestum.Ouid. Inania munera, Vide Inanis. Inenarrabile munus. Mart. Intemerata munera. Virg.Leue munus.Ouid. Memorabile. Ouid.Miserabile.Stat. Natutale munus decoris. Oui. Nocitura munera.Ouid. Opulentum munus. Capella. Pexa munera, Vide PBCTO. Popularia. Cic.Preriosa. Lactant. Publica. Ouid.Regale munus Sen. Secreta munera, Iuuen.Triste munus.Ouid. Votiua munera. Ouid. Accipere aliquid in muneribus, Vide ACCIPIO.Quod munus Reipub. affcrre mains meliúsne possumus, qum si. &c. Cic.What greater or better pleasure can we do to the common weale.Augere verbis munus, Vide AVGEO.Parno munere beare aliquem. Hor, Illa doi munus bene cedere sensit.Ouid.Certare muneribus. Virgil. To contend who may giue most, or excell the other in gining.Contendere cum aliquo muneribus, Vide CONTENDO.CorrÛpere aliquÊ muneribus. Hor. To corrupt with bribes.Magnis muneribus cumulare aliquÊ.Virg.To giue one many great giftes.Supremis muneribus, decorare aliquem.Virg.Despicere munus alicuius.Ouid.Dignum munus dare alicui.Virg.Mirificum munus populo dare.Cic.Dare aliquid muneri. Quint. To giue as a present.Præstanti munere donat iuuenem.Virg.Promisso munere donare aliquem.Virg.To giue one a rewarde promised.Pingui donatus munere. Horat. Diuino munere Reipub. donatum videri. Cicer.To seeme to be giuen of God vnto the common weale.Exequiarum munus eripere.Cic.Not to luffer funerall obsequies to be done for one.Ferre munera templis.Virg.Lenire muneribus multitudinem imperitam. Cicero. With giftes to please.Mittit homini munera satis largé.Cic.Mirtere aliquid muneri alicui. Claud. To sende as a gift or present.Fœdum munus obtrudere alicui. Claud. Offerre aliquid muneri. Quint. To offer as a gift or present to one.Ornare munus verbis, Vide ORNO.Parta meæ Veneri sunt munera.Virg.Pensare munus munere. Ou. To recompence one good turne with an other.Munera placant hominésque, deósque.Ouid.Poscere munus aliquem.Ouid.To defire a gift of one.Seruabere munere nostro.Ouid.By my benefite.Soluere munus alicui. Oui. SordÊt tibi munera nostra. Vir. Spernere munus.Virg.Terræ munere vescimur. Hor. We be fedde by the benefite of the earth. Munus.Cic.An office or charge: a dutie.TuÛ est mun9, tue partes. C. It is your charg: it is your part.Hoc propriÛ tuum munus est, vt ita erudiatur, vt & patri, & Scipioni nostro, & tibi ram propinquo respondeat.Cicer.Animi munus est, ratione vti, Cic.It is the part or office of the minde.Inter se munera belli partiti sunt.Liu.They denided the charge and gonernement of the warre between them.Ad omne officij munus instruere.Cic.To instruct and reach what one should do in all points of honest behauiour.Vitæ munus.Cic. Omni in munere vitæ. In all affaires that one hath to do in this life.Alicui muneri atque officio præesse.Cic.To haue the ouersight of an office and charge.Tanti ac tam præclari muneris societas.Cic.Munus & onus.Cic. Munus Ædilitium.Cic.The office of the Edileship.Annuum.Cic.An office or charge for an yeares space.Assignatum.Cic.Candidatorium munus, Vide CANDEO.Grande. Horat. Plena honorum munera. Horat. Lautè munus suum administrare, Vide LAVTVS.Colere & efficere munus.Cic.To erecute or do an office.Munus promissi cõficere. Ci. To performe that he promised.Curare munus suum.Plaut.To see to his tharge or office.Deferre munus alicui. Cælius ad Ciceronem, To commit an office or charge to one.Immunitatem munerum alicui dare.Cic.To exempt one frõ bearing any office or charge.Exequi omnia regis officia & munera.Cic.SusceptÛ Reip. munus explere. Cic.To performe the office & charge of the common weale that he hath vndertaken.Ne sui muneris RÊpublicam faceret. Tac. That he might not alone seeme to haue the gouernment of the common weale.Fungi munere.Cic.To do or execute an office.Fungi munere amici. Horat. To play the part of a frieud: to shew himselfe a friend.Habere munus aliquod.Cic.Inire munus alicuius.Virg.To vndertake the office or charge of an other.Iniungere munus. Vide INIVNGO. Mos Romanus etiam negotijs hoc munus inseruit.Quintil.Insistere munus.Cic. Vide INSISTO. Obire munus, Vide OBEO.Orbari muneribus pristinis.Cic.To be put out of those charges that he was wont to be occupied in.Susceptum peifice munus.Virg.Perfungi munere.Cic.To do an office.Præbere munus alicuius.Cicer.Præponere alicui muneri aliquem.Cicer.To appoint one to ouersee the doing of a thing.Munus & onus prositeri.Cic.Fera munera belli regit Mars. Lucret. Suscipere munus. Quint. Magnum de iure respondÊdi munus sustinebat Rutilius. Ci. Men looked very earnestly that Rutilius should instruct them in difficult cases of the lawe.Ministrum tanti muneris esse.Cic.Teneresuum munus.Cic.To keepe his office or charge still. Munus. Suet. A common play or gay sight for the people to behold: as in Rome were the matches of sworde players, or killing of wild beasts in open sight or game.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
mūnus (old orthogr. moenus; moenera militiaï, Lucr. 1, 29), ĕris, n. [root mu-; cf.: moenia, munis, munia, etc.], a service, office, post, employment, function, duty (class.; syn.: officium, ministerium, honos). I.Lit.: munus significat officium, cum dicitur quis munere fungi. Item donum quod officii causā datur, Paul. ex Fest. p. 140 Müll. (cf. infra): munus curare,
to discharge an office
, Plaut. Truc. 2, 4, 76: octo munus hominum fungi, id. Men. 1, 4, 5: administrare, Ter. Ad. 5, 1, 2: munus atque officium, Cic. Font. 7, 15: rei publicae,
a public office
, id. de Or. 1, 45, 199: belli, Liv. 24, 35: de jure respondendi sustinere, Cic. Brut. 30, 113: rei publicae explere, id. Prov. Cons. 14, 35: vigiliarum obire,
to perform
, Liv. 3, 6: officii,
the performance of a duty
, Cic. Sen. 11, 35: tuum est hoc munus, tuae partes: a te hoc civitas exspectat,
duty, office, obligation
, id. Fam. 11, 5, 3: principum est resistere levitati multitudinis, id. Mil. 8, 22: vitae, id. Sen. 11, 35: senectutis, id. Leg. 1, 3, 10.—B. Esp., = onus, a duty, burden, tribute: cum hoc munus imponebatur tam grave civitati, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 20, 51: id quoque munus leve atque commune Mamertinis remisisti, id. ib. 2, 5, 21, 52: dum ne quis eorum munere vacaret, Liv. 25, 7, 4: non enim detractionem eam munerum militiae, sed apertam defectionem esse, id. 27, 9, 9.—II.Transf.A.A work: majorum vigiliarum munus, Cic. Par. prooem.: solitudinis,
a work, book, written in solitude
, id. Off. 3, 1, 4.—B.A service, favor: huc ire licet atque illuc munere ditium dominorum, Sall. Orat. Licin.; Cic. Fam. 10, 11, 1.—2. In partic., the last service, office to the dead, i. e. burial: pro hominis dignitate amplo munere extulit, Nep. Eum. 4, 4 (dub.; al. funere): suprema, Verg. A. 11, 25: supremum mortis, Cat. 101, 3: debita, Val. Fl. 3, 313: fungi inani Munere, Verg. A. 6, 885: cineri haec mittite nostro Munera, id. ib. 4, 624.—C.A present, gift (syn.: donum, praemium): bonum datum deorum concessu atque munere, Cic. Univ. 14: mittere alicui, id. Verr. 2, 4, 27, 62: mittere aliquid alicui munere,
to send one something as a present
, Plin. 37, 5, 19, 74 (al. muneri): quasi totam regionem muneri accepissent,
, Ov. M. 10, 74; cf.: gratae post munus aristae, Juv. 14, 183: quem munere palpat Carus, i. e.
a bribe
, id. 1, 35.—2. In partic. a.A public show, spectacle, entertainment, exhibition, esp. a show of gladiators, which was given to the people by the magistrates, and generally by the ædiles, as an expression of gratitude for the honorable office to which they had been elected (cf.: ludus, spectaculum): erat munus Scipionis, dignum et eo ipso et illo Q. Metello, cui dabatur, Cic. Sest. 58, 124: munus magnificum dare, id. Q. Fr. 3, 8, 6: praebere, id. Sull. 19, 54: functus est aedilicio maximo munere, i. e.
gave a splendid exhibition
, id. Off. 2, 16, 55: edere, Suet. Tit. 7: venationes, quae vocantur munera, Lact. 6, 20: munera nunc edunt, Juv. 3, 36; 4, 18.—b.A public building for the use of the people, erected at the expense of an individual: Pompeii munera,
the theatre
, Vell. 2, 130, 1: aut ubi muneribus nati sua munera mater Addidit (i. e. theatro Marcelli porticum Octaviam), Ov. A. A. 1, 69.—c.Transf., of the structure of the universe: effector vel moderator tanti operis et muneris, Cic. Tusc. 1, 28, 70.