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Forms: musica (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Músic-a, s. f. aug. Músic-óne, disp. Músic-áccio,
1. music.Metter in —, to set to music; 2. (fig.) quarrel, dispute. Finiamo questa —, let us put an end to this dispute. Mettere in —, to set to music. — di gatti, vile, bad music, music run mad; 3. (vulg.) contrast; 4. the pleasure arising from agreeable sounds, singing, &c.;5. a female singer.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
musica: the Arte of Musike. Also any kinde of musike whether vocall, that is with the voice, Instrumentall, that is with the touch of the hand vpon any instrument, or Proportionall, that is with blowing or any winde instrument, it hath beene vsed for study of humanity, namely Poetry.