1. to die, expire, to perish, come to nothing. — di voglia di checchessia, to die with longing for any thing. — di freddo, to die with cold. — di suo male,to die a natural death. — colla ghirlanda, to die a virgin. — di desio, to long for. Far — di fame, to starve a person. — in Dio, to die in the odour of sanctity. — in eterno, to forfeit eternal happiness. — in letto d'onore, to die upon the bed of honour. — al mondo, to renounce the world and its vanities. Mettere a —, to conduct to death. — delle risa, to die with laughing; 2. to go out (as the fire, a candle, &c.); v. a. to kill.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English