Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Montá-re, v. n.
1. to mount, to go or get up. — a cavallo, to ride a horse, to mount on horseback. — le scale, to go up stairs. — la guardia, to mount, to go upon guard; 2. to cover, to mount as beasts; 3. to amount, to cost, to come to. Questa pezza di panno monta a dieci lire sterline, this piece of cloth comes to ten pounds; 4. to rise; 5. to grow, to increase;6. to raise, to exalt, to advance, to rise, to grow greater; 7. to bring, to cause, to procure; 8. to import, to signify, to be of consequence.— in furore, to grow angry, to fall into a passion. — in orgoglio, to grow proud. — adosso, to get upon. — in banco, to play the mountebank. — in barca, to go on shipboard. — in bestia, to grow angry. — un orologio,to wind up a clock; 9. to rise. La marea monta, the tide goes up. — in alto stato, to increase in fortune, value, or importance. — una lama, to put an edge to a blade. — i cannoni, to have a cannon ready for service. — sulla breccia, to mount or storm the breach; s. m. Montá-tóre, f. Montá-tríce; adj. Montá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
montare: to mount, to ascend, to climbe or get vp, to rise, to goe or flow vp, to amount, to heape vp. Also to encrease or grow deare in price. Also to grow or become greater. Also to doe good, to worke effect, to import, or bring helpe vnto. Also to aduance, to raise vp or exalt.