Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Misúr-a, s. f. dim. Misúr-étta,
1. measure, that by which any thing is measured; 2 measure, any determinate quantity used as a standard with which others may be compared; 3. recompence, requital. Dar la —, to requite, to render like for like; 4. measure, rule, way, order. Senza —, beyond excess, passionately; 5. time or measure in music; 6. a just distance in fencing to make a pass. Pigliar le misure, to take measures to bring a thing about. Romper le misure, to break one's measures, to disappoint or baffle his designs. A — che, whilst, as soon as, according to. A —, proportionably; 7. resolution, purpose, intent. Esser tagliato ad una —, to be all of one kidney. Far —, to measure. A —, in a measured or staid manner. A — del possibile, as much as possible. A buona —, good measure. — scema, short measure. A colma —, abundantly. Fuor di —, excessive. Oltre —, beyond all measure.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
misura: a measure, a rule, a proportion, a meane, a temper.