Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Mézzo, s. m.
1. the middle. Nel — del cammino,at half way; 2. medium, middle, centre; 3. means, aid, mediation. Non aver —, to have no medium; 4. interval, space of time. In questo —, in the mean while, during this. Produrre in —, to allege, to produce. Star di —, to intermeddle, to be intercessor; 5. half, moiety. Torre a —, to take any thing in common, to go halves with one. Andarne di —, to be the sufferer.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
mezzo: a moitie, a halfe, or mid-part, a demy of any thing. Also a demy in armorie. Also a meane, or mediation. Also a mediator, or intercessor. Also a space or interuall of time or place. Also vsed for mediocritie, or meanenesse. Vsed also for a neutrall, or indifferent man. Also almost halfe or wel neere. Also mollow or rottenripe, taken for the Latin word Mitis.