Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Mét-tere, v. a. (pass. mi-si, Mét-se, Mét-sero, part. messo, &c.)
1. to put, lay, set, place, situate; 2. to introduce, put in, cause to receive; 3. to transmit, send, communicate; 4. to send or cast forth, to contribute; 5. to spend (money); 6. to employ (time). — in mare, to put to sea;7. to disjoin, to put asunder; 8. to marry, give in marriage; 9. to admit, receive; 10. to put to the vote; 11. to propose; 12. to judge, esteem, impute; 13. to number, enumerate. — in basso, to lower, humble. — in affanno, to torment, afflict; 14. to bud, germinate (as plants); 15. to discharge (as rivers); 16. to agree; 17. to come to the proof. — a basso,to cast down to the earth, bring to a lower place. — a bocca, to address a person by word of mouth. — a bottino, to sack, pillage. — in campo, to bring to light. — campo, to encamp. — a cavallo, to place on horseback. — in non cale, to despise, set no value upon. — addosso, to inculpate, accuse. — a or in effetto, to effect, accomplish, execute. — a ferri, to put in chains, to chain, to kill. — a fine, to bring to an end, accomplish. — a fuoco,to put in the fire (for cooking). — a fuoco e a fiamma, to put to fire and sword, destroy. — a guadagno, to put to profit or account. — a guasto, to spoil. — al curro, to egg on, stimulate. — al disotto, to depress. — in fuga, to put to flight. — in prova, to prove. — alla sicurtà, to put under guard, into safe keeping, — alla via, to make ready, prepare. — alla coltella, to stab. — alle forche, to hang by the neck. — nel libro, to write upon the book. — al niente, to annihilate. — al punto,to prick. — a or al macello, to slaughter. — a meglio, to prefer. — a morte, to kill, put to death. — a or in ordine, to arrange, put in order. — animo, cuore, to animate, encourage. — a or d'oro, to gild. — a perfezione,to perfect. — appresso, to compare. — a repentaglio, to risk. — a rovina, to ruin. — a sbaraglio, to put into disorder. — avanti,to prefer, place before. — innanzi, to exalt. — bando, to publish by banns, to publish, make public. — carne, to fatten. — casa, to begin housekeeping. — cervello, to begin to be prudent. — colore, to become coloured. — com- passione, to awaken pity. — consiglio, to examine carefully. — conto, to be useful. — coraggio, to encourage. — cura, to be careful. — d'accordo, to accord, agree. — davanti, to introduce, present. — del suo, to suffer loss. — di bocca, to speak. — di coscienza, to prick the conscience. — dietro, to postpone. — erba, to cause to bud. — fuoco, to set fire to. — fuori, to germinate (as plants). — guai, to howl, cry out. — il giogo, to put under the yoke, to subject. — in abbandono, to abandon. — in abbominazione, to abominate. — in affanno,to grieve, afflict. — in arme, to arm. — in battaglia, to draw up in battle array. — in canzone, to ridicule. — in chiusa, to imprison, incarcerate. — in cielo, to praise to the skies. — in compromesso, to endanger. — in grazia, to ingratiate. — in dispetto, to render odious. — in errore, to deceive. — in essere, to put into good; 18. to deposit, to trust. — in avventura, to hazard, venture, expose, to bring into danger. — in novelle,to joke, to laugh at. — in faccende, to employ. — in assetto, to settle, to prepare, to make or get ready. — in voce, to seek, to inquire, to look for. — la tavola, to lay the cloth. — tavola, to feast. — strida, to cry, to squeak. — ragione, to calculate, to make up the accounts. — bene, to be good or advantageous. — a basso, to demolish. — tra le mani, to entrust to a person; 19. to put the male to the female. — in uno, to anger one, to make him angry or provoke him. — alla vela, to set sail. — amore, to settle one's love or affection upon a thing. — alle mani, to set by the ears. — addosso, to lay upon, to lay to one's charge. — ad oro, to set in gold. — all'incanto, to expose to sale by auction. — a partito, to bring in question. — paura, to frighten. — bottega, to set up a shop. — insieme soldati, to raise or levy soldiers or troops. — sotto, to put the horses to the coach. — innanzi, to set forth. — indugio,to delay. — in fondo, to sink. — del suo, to suffer loss. — in forse, to doubt, to cause to doubt; 20. to deposit. — in luce, to publish. — in rotta, to defeat. — sodo, to establish. — in scritto, to set down in writing. — legge, to impose a law. — le mani addosso,to seize, to take hold. — scala, to cast anchor near the shore. — piede a terra, to land. — sotto sopra, to turn topsy-turvy; v. r. — a correre,to begin to run. — alla strada, to go upon the highway. — a ridere, to fall a laughing. — a tavola, to sit down at table. — in colera, to fall into a passion. — in mare, to go to sea. — in oblio, to forget. — in questione, to call in question, to doubt. — a fare una cosa,to begin to do a thing. — in cuore, to resolve, determine. — nel capo, to put into one's head. — neve, to snow. — in santo, to be churched (after lying in). — ad assedio, to besiege. — affanno, to torment one's self. — a gambe, to run away. — alla memoria, to learn by heart. — al soldo, to enlist. — a morte, to commit suicide. — a partito con uno, to go to law with a person. — indosso, to dress one's self. — per servidore, to go into service. — studio,to apply one's self. — dietro le spalle, not tocare. — rimedio, to remedy; s. m. Mét-titóre, f.Mét-titríce; adj. Mét-ténte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
mettere: to put, to place, to lay, to set or situate. Also to bet or lay a wager. Also to bud or send forth and burgeon, namely speaking of Plants or Trees. Also as Sboccáre, namely speaking of waters or riuers. Also to lay forth or expese vnto danger.