Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Memóri-a, s. f. dim. Memóri-úccia, aug. Memóri-óne,
1. memory;2. remembrance, recollection, calling to mind; 3. monumental record, history; 4. name, fame, reputation; 5. place in the head said to be the seat of memory. Di buona —,of happy memory (applied to deceased persons). Esser fuor di —, to be out of one's mind. Andare per la or nella —, to think, recollect. Cadere della —, to forget. Condurre a —, to imprint upon the mind. Consegrare alla —,to leave in writing. Far —, to record, place upon record, describe, narrate. Mandare alla —, to commit to memory. Ricercar la —, to recollect, remember. Tenere in —, to remember. Tornar nella — ad alcuno checchessia, to make a person recollect any thing.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
memoria: memorie, remembrance, souenance. Also the crowne of ones head. Vsed also for Times, Chronicles, Histories, Euidences, Records.