Manus, huius manus, f. ge. An hand: ones hande in writing: a writing or subscription with ones hand. A multitude of men: power: a grapple to fasten shippes. The snoute of an Oliphaut.Aegra manus.Ouid. Docta. Senec.Amica.Ouid.Explicita. Quint. The hand spread open.Armiferæ manus.Ouid.Artifices.Ouid. Fatalis. Virg Auaræ.Ouid. Ferox. Senec.Audaces manus ad omne Fida. Ould. facinus. Senec. Fœminea. Ouid.Auidæ. Horat. Formosa. Ouid.Candidæ.Stat. Ad vnum modum formatæ Carnifices. Sil. manus. Ouid.Nunquam cassa.Stat. Formidatæ. Ouid.Caua.Virg.The hand Fulmineæ. Stat.holden hollowe. Furibunda manus. Sene. Certa manus. Quint. vide CERTVS. Compressa in pugnum. Quint. The sist.Horrida ferro.Senec. Ignauæ. Lucan. Illigatæ post tergum.Liu.Immunis manus. Hor. An innocent hande not pertaker of the deede.Impia. Hor. Magna. Virg.Iocerta. Quint. An hande that is not sure to hitte.Incontinens. Hor. Media manus. Quint.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
mānon, i, n., = mano/n, a kind of soft sponge, Plin. 9, 45, 69, 148; called also, mānos, i, f.: (spongearum genus) spissum et mollius manos, id. 9, 45, 69, 149 Jan. (al. mana).—Plur. manoi, f.: maximae fiunt manoi, Plin. 9, 45, 69, 149.