Manes, An heretike, whiche affirmed himselfe sometime to be like Christ, sometime to bee the comforter that was promised to come.Manethus Mendes, A priest of Aegipt.
Manus, huius manus, f. ge. An hand: ones hande in writing: a writing or subscription with ones hand. A multitude of men: power: a grapple to fasten shippes. The snoute of an Oliphaut.Aegra manus.Ouid. Docta. Senec.Amica.Ouid.Explicita. Quint. The hand spread open.Armiferæ manus.Ouid.Artifices.Ouid. Fatalis. Virg Auaræ.Ouid. Ferox. Senec.Audaces manus ad omne Fida. Ould. facinus. Senec. Fœminea. Ouid.Auidæ. Horat. Formosa. Ouid.Candidæ.Stat. Ad vnum modum formatæ Carnifices. Sil. manus. Ouid.Nunquam cassa.Stat. Formidatæ. Ouid.Caua.Virg.The hand Fulmineæ. Stat.holden hollowe. Furibunda manus. Sene. Certa manus. Quint. vide CERTVS. Compressa in pugnum. Quint. The sist.Horrida ferro.Senec. Ignauæ. Lucan. Illigatæ post tergum.Liu.Immunis manus. Hor. An innocent hande not pertaker of the deede.Impia. Hor. Magna. Virg.Iocerta. Quint. An hande that is not sure to hitte.Incontinens. Hor. Media manus. Quint.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
Mānes, ĭum (fem., Inscr. ap. Fea, Var. di Notiz. p. 174; Inscr. Grut. 786, 5), m. [manus, good; v. mane], with or without di. I.The deified souls of the departed, the ghosts or shades of the dead, the gods of the Lower World, infernal deities, manes (as benevolent spirits, opp. to larvae and lemures, malevolent spirits): deorum manium jura sancta sunto, Cic. Leg. 2, 9, 22: Manibus divis mactatus, Lucr. 6, 759: Manibu' divis Inferias mittunt, id. 3, 52; Cic. Pis. 7, 16: sacrae (res) sunt quae Dis superis consecratae sunt: religiosae, quae Diis manibus relictae sunt, Gai. Inst. 2, 4.—B. Esp., the departed spirit, ghost, shade of a person: nec patris Anchisae cinerem manesve revelli, Verg. A. 4, 427: conjugis, id. ib. 6, 119; 3, 303: manes Virginiae, Liv. 3, 58, 11; 21, 10, 3: camilli, Juv. 2, 154; Sen. Contr. 3, 16, 21: Galbae, Suet. Oth. 7. —In sing.: nomine Manem deum nuncupant, App. de Deo Socr. 15, p. 50, 19.—II.Transf.A.The Lower World, infernal regions (poet.): Manesque profundi, Verg. G. 1, 243: haec Manes veniet mihi fama sub imos, id. A. 4, 387: esse aliquos Manes et subterranea regna, Juv. 3, 149. And in apposition: fabulae Manes, Hor. C. 1, 4, 16. —B.Punishments inflicted in the Lower World (poet.): quisque suos patimur Manes, Verg. A. 6, 743 (Manes id est supplicia, Serv.); so Stat. Th. 8, 84; Aus. Ephem. 57. —C.A corpse (post-Aug.): accipiet manes parvula testa meos, Prop. 2, 13, 32 (3, 5, 16); Liv. 31, 30: ea causa est, ut pleraeque alitum e manibus hominum oculos potissimum appetant, Plin. 11, 37, 55, 148; 16, 44, 85, 234.