Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Mancá-re, v. a. to want, to lack, to need, to stand in need of, to be short of. Non mi manca niénte, I want nothing. — di parola or di fede, to break one's word; v. n.
1. to fail, to faint. Le forze mi mancano, my strength fails me; 2. to fail, to fall short, to want. Il danaro mi manca, money is short with me; 3. to fail, to neglect. — al suo dovere, to neglect one's duty; 4. to lose one's hope, to despair.— il colpo, to miss one's aim, to be disappointed;5. to wane, said of the moon; 6. to abate. Il caldo comincia a —, the heat begins to abate. — di vita, to die. — di or della speranza,to lose hope; s. m. Mancá-tóre, f. Mancá-tríce; adj. Mancá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
mancare: to lacke, to want, to aile, to be defectiue. Also to faile, to misse, to erre. Also to fall, to abate, to defalke. Also to decrease as the tide or to wane as the Moone.