[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: lingua (data provider: donatus-sup), lingue (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Líng-ua, s. f. dim. Líng-uétta, Líng-uílla, Líng-uíno, disp.Líng-áccia , Líng-uúccia,
1. the tongue. La — non ha ossa, e ossa fa rompere, the tongue has no bones, and breaks bones. La — dà dove il dente duole, to scratch where it itches. Mala —, an ill tongue, a slandering man, a slanderer. Avere in su la punta della —, to have a thing at one's tongue's end. Una — che taglia e fora o fende, a satirical tongue, a slandering man. Mala —, a viper's tongue, an ill tongue, a malicious, venomous, slanderous tongue. Mettere la — in molle, to be very talkative, to have a glib tongue. Egli ha messo la — in molle, his tongue runs upon wheels. Non morir la — in bocca, to make use of the tongue. Avere il cervello nella —, to talk well and do ill. Pigliar —, to inquire, to get intelligence. Dar —, to give intelligence or advice. Aver —, to have intelligence. Aver la — lunga, to calumniate, slander; 2. tongue, speech, language. — corrente, the vulgar or mother tongue. — furbesca, cant, slang, jargon. — povera, a poor language, not rich in words or good expressions. — viva, a living tongue, one still spoken. — morta, a dead language, one no longer spoken; 3. nation; 4. the tongue, point or extremity of a flame; 5. the tongue of a balance; 6. a kind of anvil;7. a tongue or narrow neck of land; 8. a species of fern; 9. a kind of mushroom, so called from its colour and form.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
lingua: a tongue in generall. Also a language or speach. Also the word giuen among souldiers. Also a little spatle or languet to take salues out of a boxe. Also a narrow piece of land or long ridge running into the Sea like a tongue lilling out of the mouth. Also a kind of hearbe good against the falling of the haire called Adderstongue.