[This is a MPIWG MPDL language technology service]
Forms: linea (data provider: donatus-sup), linee (data provider: donatus-sup)
Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Lin-éa, s. f. dim. Lin-eétta, Lin-eúzza,
1. line, length without breadth or thickness. Tener la — dritta, to deal honestly, to act uprightly. — circolare, circumference. — retta, a right line. — curva, a curved line. — diagonale,a diagonal line. — parallela, a parallel line, — perpendicolare, a perpendicular line. — di mura, level. — verticale, a vertical line. — equinoziale, the equator, the equinoctial line. — orizzontale, a horizontal line. — del piano, (pict. t.) ground or fundamental line; 2. line, a series of relations in various degrees, all descending from the same common father; 3. aline (in writing, printing, engraving); 4. line, the twelfth part of an inch; 5. line, line of battle, disposition of an army. — di riserva,the reserve, line of reserve. — della mira,line of sight. — del tiro, line of direction, line in which motion is communicated. — di communicazione, road by which an army communicates with its reserve, provisions, military stores, &c. — difendente, line of defence. — d'acqua, the water line. — d'acqua caricata,the load water line. — di scandaglio, the lead line.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
linea: any kinde of line, streake or draught in generall, a Carpenters or Gardners line, a sounding plummet, an angling or fish-line. Among Mathematicians it is a line without breadth or thicknesse. Also a degree or line in bloud or kindred.