Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Légg-e, s. f. disp. Légg-iáccia,
1. law, rule, ordinance, decree, statute enacted, made or published by the public authority. — antica o Giudaica, the Mosaic law. — viva, a law which is in vigour. Dator di leggi, legislator. — suntuaria, sumptuary law for the suppression of luxury. Leggi del moto, the laws of motion. — municipale, municipal law. — canonica,the canon or ecclesiastical law as established by the popes or the councils. — civile, civil law, as opposed to the ecclesiastical. Dar —, to make or impose a law, command, govern. Toglier —, to receive the law. Darsi alle leggi, to devote one's self to the study of the law; 2. duty, obligation; 3. law, right; 4. way, fashion. A —, according to the fashion, according to custom.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
legge: the law. Also arule and ordinance, a decree or statute enacted and made to be kept inuiolably.