Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Legá-re, v. a.
1. to tie, bind, fasten with a rope, chain, &c., to fasten, make fast; 2. to keep united; 3. to enclose (in a letter); 4. to join, set close together, enchase; 5. (met.) to captivate, enchant; 6. to bewitch by sorcery; 7. to oblige, lay an obligation upon, to bind, constrain, force, compel. Lega l'asino dove vuole il padrone, do as you are bid, do what your master bids you. — le mani, to tie one's hands, prevent one from acting. — l'asino,to sleep very sound. Legala bene, e lasciala trarre, do what you can, and let time do the rest, 8. to delegate, depute; 9. to bind (books); 10. to bequeath, leave by will; 11. (naut. t.) to lash; v. r. 1. to enter into a league or alliance; 2. to bind one's self by oath. Legarsela al dito, to owe one a spite; s. m. Legá-tóre,f. Legá-tríce; adj. Legá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
legare: to hind, to league, to combine, to tye or fasten together. Also to solder or vnite mettall. Also to set or enchase any precious stone in a ring or iewell. Also to binde, to tye, or nicke a cast at dice. Also to agrize or set ones teeth on edge. Also to leaue or bequeath any legacie by will or testament, also to goe to lawe. Looke also Legatióne.