Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Lavorá-re, v. a. & n.
1. to work, labour with the hands; 2. to work with the mind. — a giornata,to work by the day; 3. to plough, till, cultivate. — la vigna, to dress or cultivate the vine. — a mazza stanca, to work hard, to be hard at work; 4. to have sexual intercourse with. — di cesello, to chisel, carve. — d'intaglio,to engrave. — di smalto, to enamel. — adosso ad uno, to speak ill of one, to slander, backbite. — a spinte, to be driven or forced to work. — sopra di se, to work on one's own account. Chi lavora, da le spese a chi si sta, the industrious work for the idle. — sotto, to work underhand, to injure secretly. — di straforo, to bore a hole, to pierce, perforate metals; 5. to make an unexpected attack;s. m. Lavorá-tóre, f. Lavorá-tríce; adj. Lavorá-nte.