Baretti: A dictionary of the English and Italian languages
Lasciá-re, v. a.
1. not to take or carry away upon leaving a person or place, to leave. — gli anni, i mesi, &c., alle spalle, to have passed, gone over years, months, &c., to complete years, months, &c.; 2. to leave, forsake, abandon, separate from. — per testamento,to leave by will, bequeath. — checchessia nella protezione d'alcuno, to leave any thing to the care and protection of another;3. to cease, give over, forbear; 4. to let, suffer.Lasciatemelo vedere, let me see it. Lasciate stare, let that alone, don't meddle with it; 5. to neglect, not care for. — nella penna, to omit any thing in writing. — indietro, to be silent upon. — fare, andare, to allow to do, go, &c. — stare alcuno, to let a person alone, to cease from annoying him; 6. to free, liberate from prison. — le offese, to pardon injuries. — in forse, to leave uncertain. — in nube, to leave undefined. — un luogo, to cease to occupy a place. — la briglia, to give the reins; v. n. 1. to regulate by will; 2. to await; 3. to desist. — detto, scritto, to establish, confirm by word of mouth or by writing;v. r. 1. to reserve one's self; 2. to preserve one's self. — andare alle passioni, to abandon one's self to one's passions. — consigliare, to be persuaded. — intendere, to say, affirm. — uscir di mano, to let slip an opportunity; adj. Lasciá-nte.
Florio: a worlde of wordes, or most copious, dictionarie in Italian and English
lasciare: to leaue, to lin, to let, to permit, to let alone. Also to forgoe, to forsake. Also to slacken or let loose. Also to bequeath or leaue as a gift. Also to demise or let to lease. Also to leash as hunters doe.