Iulius, The moneth of Iulie, whch tooke his name of Iulius Cæsar.Iulius Cæsar.The sirst and most famous Emperour of Rome Vide Cæsar. Hys acts are briefly rehearsed of Plinie. lib. 7. cap. 25. The name of Iulius descended of Ascanius the sonne of Aeneas. To the honour of this man, the seauenth moneth of the yeare was called Iulius whyche before was named Quintilis, bycause it was the sisth from Marche, where the olde Romaines beganne the yeare.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
Jūlĭus (in poets also Ĭūlĭus, quadrisyll.), a, adj., name of a Roman gens; especially celebrated, C. Julius Cæsar and his adopted son, C. Julius Cæsar (Octavianus) Augustus: unde domus Teucros Julia tangit avos, Ov. F. 4, 40: templa, i. e. curia Julia, id. P. 4, 5, 21: leges, Cic. Balb. 8; id. Sest. 64: edicta,
decrees and laws of Augustus
, Hor. C. 4, 15, 22: sidus, id. ib. 1, 12, 47.— II.Transf.: Julius mensis (or, absol., Julius), the month of July, which was previously called Quinctilis: fervens Julius, Mart. 10, 62.