Itero, íteras, pc. cor. iterâre. Plaut.To doe a thing eftsoones or againe: to goe back againe: to repeat: to renewe: to do or say againe: to beginne a tresh: to iterate.Sæpe iterando eadem.Liu.By often repeating the same.Iterare dicta. Col. Aciem iterare, vide ACIES.Æquor iterare. Hor. To saile againe: to make a new voyage by sea.Fortuna tristi clade iterabitur. Hor. Cursus iterare. Hor. Iterare verba.Cic.To repeat wordes againe.Iterare vitam morte. Plin. To raise from death to life.Vulnera iterata fixi.Stat.Iteratu ridiculum. Plau. A foolish thing to doe againe.Iterandum eadem ista mihi. C. I must repeat % same things againe. Iterare campum. Col. To til or cast vp the ground againe or the second time.