Interim, pe. cor. Aduerb. temporis. Ter. In the meane space, time or season: in the meane while. Interim.Sometime: otherwhiles. Quint. Sed quia Interim excusantur hæc vitia, &c. Interim. Ter. Sodainely. vt, Interim miris modis cæpit odisse Sostratam. Ter. Quum interim plures sint intermedij.Quintil.Whereas notwithstanding, there are diuers other betwene.
Lewis and Short: Latin dictionary
intĕrim, adv. [inter and old acc. of is]. I. I.q. interea, meanwhile, in the meantime: ibo intro: tu hic ante aedes interim speculare, Plaut. Mil. 4, 3, 28: interim dum ante ostium sto, Ter. Eun. 5, 2, 3: hoc interim spatio conclave illud concidisse, Cic. de Or. 2, 86: quo fugit interim dolor ille?Quint. 11, 1, 54; 1, 12, 6.—B.For a time, for a while (post-Aug.): ut uno interim contenti simus exemplo C. Gracchi,
for the moment
, Quint. 1, 10, 27: interim admonere illud satis est, id. 2, 4, 3; 3, 8, 5.—C. (Cf. interea.) However, nevertheless: interim velim mihi ignescas, Cic. Att. 7, 12, 3: quod alias vitiosum, interim alias rectum est, Quint. 1, 5, 29; 2, 12, 2 al.—II. I. q. nonnumquam, sometimes (post-Aug.): Latinis quidem semper, sed etiam Graecis interim, Quint. 2, 1, 1; so, opp. semper, Sen. de Ira, 2, 21, 8: laturi sententiam indocti saepius atque interim rustici, Quint. 12, 10, 53; 11, 3, 51; with nonnumquam, id. 4, 5, 20: interim ... interim,